Some things to understand about the Gradle build. Note, I’ve assembled these 

- "gradlew assemble”, “gradlew dev" and “gradlew classes” do _not_ compile the 
test classes. Use “gradlew testClasses” to compile the test classes 
independently if you have a need. Executing these from within IntelliJ provides 
convenient clickable links to problems.

- “gradlew check” will do all of the checks (equivalent of “ant precommit” 
plus), compile all the classes, including the test classes, and run all the 
tests. I have been seeing some issues where this will blow up memory, I have no 
clue why but it can be worked around sometimes by issuing “gradlew —stop” to 
kill all the daemon(s). Another strategy is to change in your 
home directory, there’s an obvious line for allocating memory to Gradle.

- the gradle build has some additional checks built in to catch logging calls 
that use certain logging patterns. There’s extensive help in if you execute 
“gradlew helpValidateLogCalls”, this is entirely new.

Feel free to ping me on Slack if you’re puzzled by an of this or need any 
hints. Or just edit the confluence page if you’ve a mind.

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