Good 'ol software engineering practices is certainly the core of what I
intend, though I am also raising the question of whether or not we want to
consign some defined set of things that plug-in to the far side of those
API's, and whether or not that entails a more explicit notion of what
constitutes a "plugin".

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 9:18 AM David Smiley <> wrote:

> To everyone and especially Gus:  I think the "plugin" word in this thread
> is basically a stop-word to the intent/scope of the thread.  A plugin to
> Solr both has been and will be nothing more than a class that's loaded
> *dynamically* by a configurable name -- as opposed to a class within Solr
> that isn't pluggable (*statically* referenced).  Whether a class is
> statically loaded or dynamically loaded, it has some sort of API to itself
> where it receives and provides other abstractions provided by Solr.  I
> *think* what's being proposed in this thread are some better higher level
> abstractions within Solr that could be used to hide implementation details
> that are found in some APIs currently in Solr.  Good 'ol software
> engineering practices.  Am I missing something?
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 6:11 PM Varun Thacker <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 1:05 AM Ilan Ginzburg <> wrote:
>>> Varun, you're correct.
>>> This PR was built based on what's needed for creation (easiest starting
>>> point for me and likely most urgent need). It's still totally WIP and
>>> following steps include building the API required for move and other
>>> placement based needs, then also everything related to triggers (see the
>>> Jira).
>>> Collection API commands (Solr provided implementation, not a plug-in)
>>> will build the requests they need, then call the plug-in (custom one or a
>>> defaut one), and use the returned "work items" (more types of work items
>>> will be introduced of course) to do the job (know where to place or where
>>> to move or what to remove or add etc.)
>> This sounds perfect!
>> I'd be interested to see how can we use SamplePluginMinimizeCores for say
>> create collection but use FooPluginMinimizeLoad for add-replica
>>> Ilan
>>> Le dim. 26 juil. 2020 à 04:13, Varun Thacker <> a
>>> écrit :
>>>> Hi Ilan,
>>>> I like where we're going with
>>>> . Correct me if I am
>>>> wrong, but my understanding of this PR is we're defining the interfaces for
>>>> creating policies
>>>> What's not clear to me is how will existing collection APIs like
>>>> create-collections/add-replica etc make use of it? Is that something that
>>>> has been discussed somewhere that I could read up on?
>>>> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 2:03 PM Ilan Ginzburg <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Gus!
>>>>> This makes a lot of sense but significantly increases IMO the scope
>>>>> and effort to define an "Autoscaling" framework interface.
>>>>> I'd be happy to try to see what concepts could be shared and how a
>>>>> generic plugin facade could be defined.
>>>>> What are the other types of plugins that would share such a unified
>>>>> approach? Do they already exist under another form or are just projects at
>>>>> this stage, like Autoscaling plugins?
>>>>> But... Assuming this is the first "facade" layer to be defined between
>>>>> Solr and external code, it might be hard to make it generic and get it
>>>>> right. There's value in starting simple, understanding the tradeoffs and
>>>>> generalizing later.
>>>>> Also I'd like to make sure we're not paying a performance "genericity
>>>>> tax" in Autoscaling for unneeded features.
>>>>> Ilan
>>>>> Le sam. 25 juil. 2020 à 16:02, Gus Heck <> a écrit :
>>>>>> Scanned through the PR and read some of this thread. I likely have
>>>>>> missed much other discussion, so forgive me if I'm dredging up somethings
>>>>>> that are already discussed elsewhere.
>>>>>> The idea of designing the interfaces defining what information is
>>>>>> available seems good here, but I worry that it's too auto-scaling 
>>>>>> focused.
>>>>>> In my imagination, I would see solr having a standard informational
>>>>>> interface that is useful to any plugin of any sort. Autoscaling should be
>>>>>> leveraging that and we should be enhancing that to enable autoscaling. 
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> current state of  the system is one key type of information, but another
>>>>>> type of information that should exist within solr and be exposed to 
>>>>>> plugins
>>>>>> (including autoscaling) is events. When a new node joins there should be 
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> event for example so that plugins can listen for that rather than
>>>>>> incessantly polling and comparing the list of 100 nodes to a cached list 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> 100 nodes.
>>>>>> In the PR I see a bunch of classes all off in a separate package,
>>>>>> which looks like an autoscaling fiefdom which will be tempted if not 
>>>>>> forced
>>>>>> to duplicate lots of stuff relative to other plugins and/or core.
>>>>>> As a side note I would think the metrics system could be a plugin
>>>>>> that leverages the same set of informational interfaces....
>>>>>> So there should be 3 parts to this as I imagine it.
>>>>>> 1) Enhancements to the **plugin system** that make information about
>>>>>> the cluster available solr to ALL plugins
>>>>>> 2) Enhancements to the **plugin system** API's provided to ALL
>>>>>> plugins that allow them to mutate solr safely.
>>>>>> 3) A plugin that we intend to support for our users currently using
>>>>>> auto scaling utilizes the enhanced information to provide a similar level
>>>>>> of functionality as is *promised* by our current documentation of
>>>>>> autoscaling, there might be some gaps or differences but we should be
>>>>>> discussing what they are and providing recommended workarounds for users
>>>>>> that relied on those promises to the users. Even if there were cases 
>>>>>> where
>>>>>> we failed to deliver, if there were at least some conditions under which 
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> could deliver the promised functionality those should be supported. Only 
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> we never were able to deliver and it never worked under any circumstance
>>>>>> should we rip stuff out entirely.
>>>>>> Implicit in the above is the concept that there should be a facade
>>>>>> between plugins and the core of solr.
>>>>>> WRT #1 which will necessarily involve information collected from
>>>>>> remote nodes, we need to be designing that thinking about what
>>>>>> informational guarantees it provides. Latency, consistency, delivery, 
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>> We also need to think about what is exposed in a read-only fashion vs 
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> plugins might write back to solr. Certainly there will be a lot of
>>>>>> information that most plugins ignore, and we might consider having
>>>>>> groupings of information and interfaces or annotations that indicate what
>>>>>> info is provided, but the simplest default state is to just give plugins 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> reference to a class that they can use to drill into information about 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> cluster as needed. (SolrInformationBooth? ... or less tongue in cheek...
>>>>>> enhance SolrInfoBean? )
>>>>>> Finally a fourth thing that occurs to me as I write is we need to
>>>>>> consider what information one plugin might make available to the rest of
>>>>>> the solr plugins. This might come later, and is hard because it's very 
>>>>>> hard
>>>>>> to anticipate what info might be generated by unknown plugins in the 
>>>>>> future.
>>>>>> So some humorous, not seriously suggested but hopefully memorable
>>>>>> class names encapsulating the concepts:
>>>>>> SolrInformationBooth (place to query)
>>>>>> SolrLoudspeaker (event announcements)
>>>>>> SolrControlLevers (mutate solr cluster)
>>>>>> SolrPluginFacebookPage (info published by the plugin that others can
>>>>>> watch)
>>>>>> The "facade" provided to plugins by the plugin system should grow and
>>>>>> expand such that more and more plugins can rely on it. This effort should
>>>>>> grow it enough to move autoscaling onto it without dropping (much)
>>>>>> functionality that we've previously published.
>>>>>> -Gus
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 4:40 PM Jan Høydahl <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Not clear to me what type of "alternative proposal" you're thinking
>>>>>>> of Jan
>>>>>>> That would be the responsibility of Noble and others who have
>>>>>>> concerns to detail - and try convince other peers.
>>>>>>> It’s hard for me as a spectator to know whether to agree with Noble
>>>>>>> without a clear picture of what the alternative API or approach would 
>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>> like.
>>>>>>> I’m often a fan of loosely typed APIs since they tend to cause less
>>>>>>> boilerplate code, but strong typing may indeed be a sound choice in this
>>>>>>> API.
>>>>>>> Jan Høydahl
>>>>>>> 24. jul. 2020 kl. 01:44 skrev Ilan Ginzburg <>:
>>>>>>> In my opinion we have to (and therefore will) ship at least a basic
>>>>>>> prod ready implementation on top of the API that does simple things (not
>>>>>>> sure about rack, but for example balance cores and disk size without co
>>>>>>> locating replicas of same shard on same node).
>>>>>>> Without such an implementation, I suspect adoption will be low.
>>>>>>> Moreover, it's always a lot more friendly to start coding from a working
>>>>>>> example than from scratch.
>>>>>>> Not clear to me what type of "alternative proposal" you're thinking
>>>>>>> of Jan. Alternative API proposal? Alternative approach to replace
>>>>>>> Autoscaling?
>>>>>>> Ilan
>>>>>>> Ilan
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 12:11 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Important discussion indeed.
>>>>>>>> I don’t have time to dive deep into the PR or make up my mind
>>>>>>>> whether there is a simpler and more future proof way of designing these
>>>>>>>> APIs. But I understand that autoscaling is a complex beast and it is
>>>>>>>> important we get it right.
>>>>>>>> One question regarding having to write code vs config. Is the plan
>>>>>>>> to ship some very simple light weight default placement rules ootb that
>>>>>>>> gives 80% of users what they need with simple config, or would every 
>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>> need to write code to e.g. spread replicas across hosts/racks? I’d be
>>>>>>>> interested in seeing an alternative proposal laid out, perhaps not in 
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> but with a design that can be compared and discussed.
>>>>>>>> Jan Høydahl
>>>>>>>> 23. jul. 2020 kl. 17:53 skrev Houston Putman <
>>>>>>>> I think this is a valid thing to discuss on the dev list, since
>>>>>>>> this isn't just about code comments.
>>>>>>>> It seems to me that Ilan wants to discuss the philosophy around how
>>>>>>>> to design plugins and the interfaces in Solr which the plugins will 
>>>>>>>> talk to.
>>>>>>>> This is broad and affects much more than just the Autoscaling
>>>>>>>> framework.
>>>>>>>> As a community & product, we have so far agreed that Solr should be
>>>>>>>> lighter weight and additional features should live in plugins that are
>>>>>>>> managed separately from Solr itself.
>>>>>>>> At that point we need to think about the lifetime and support of
>>>>>>>> these plugins. People love to refactor stuff in the solr core, which 
>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>> plugins wasn't a large issue.
>>>>>>>> However if we are now intending for many customers to rely on
>>>>>>>> plugins, then we need to come up with standards and guarantees so that
>>>>>>>> these plugins don't:
>>>>>>>>    - Stall people from upgrading Solr (minor or major versions)
>>>>>>>>    - Hinder the development of Solr Core
>>>>>>>>    - Cause us more headaches trying to keep multiple repos of
>>>>>>>>    plugins up to date with recent versions of Solr
>>>>>>>> I am not completely sure where I stand right now, but this is
>>>>>>>> definitely something that we should be thinking about when migrating 
>>>>>>>> all of
>>>>>>>> this functionality to plugins.
>>>>>>>> - Houston
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 9:27 AM Ishan Chattopadhyaya <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think we should move the discussion back to the PR because it
>>>>>>>>> has more context and inline comments are possible. Having this 
>>>>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>>> in 4 places (jira, pr, slack and dev list is very hard to keep track 
>>>>>>>>> of).
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 23 Jul, 2020, 5:57 pm Ilan Ginzburg, <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> [I’m moving a discussion from the PR
>>>>>>>>>> <> for SOLR-14613
>>>>>>>>>> <> to the dev
>>>>>>>>>> list for a wider audience. This is about replacing the now (in 
>>>>>>>>>> master) gone
>>>>>>>>>> Autoscaling framework with a way for clients to write their 
>>>>>>>>>> customized
>>>>>>>>>> placement code]
>>>>>>>>>> It took me a long time to write this mail and it's quite long,
>>>>>>>>>> sorry.
>>>>>>>>>> Please anybody interested in the future of Autoscaling (not only
>>>>>>>>>> those I cc'ed) do read it and provide feedback. Very impacting 
>>>>>>>>>> decisions
>>>>>>>>>> have to be made now.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Noble for your feedback.
>>>>>>>>>> I believe it is important that we are aligned on what we build
>>>>>>>>>> here, esp. at the early defining stages (now).
>>>>>>>>>> Let me try to elaborate on your concerns and provide in general
>>>>>>>>>> the rationale behind the approach.
>>>>>>>>>> *> Anyone who wishes to implement this should not require to
>>>>>>>>>> learn a lot before even getting started*
>>>>>>>>>> For somebody who knows Solr (what is a Node, Collection, Shard,
>>>>>>>>>> Replica) and basic notions related to Autoscaling (getting variables
>>>>>>>>>> representing current state to make decisions), there’s not much to 
>>>>>>>>>> learn.
>>>>>>>>>> The framework uses the same concepts, often with the same names.
>>>>>>>>>> *> I don't believe we should have a set of interfaces that
>>>>>>>>>> duplicate existing classes just for this functionality.*
>>>>>>>>>> Where appropriate we can have existing classes be the
>>>>>>>>>> implementations for these interfaces and be passed to the plugins, 
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> would be perfectly ok. The proposal doesn’t include implementations 
>>>>>>>>>> at this
>>>>>>>>>> stage, therefore there’s no duplication, or not yet... (we must get 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> interfaces right and agreed upon before implementation). If some 
>>>>>>>>>> interface
>>>>>>>>>> methods in the proposal have a different name from equivalent 
>>>>>>>>>> methods in
>>>>>>>>>> internal classes we plan to use, of course let's rename one or the 
>>>>>>>>>> other.
>>>>>>>>>> Existing internal abstractions are most of the time concrete
>>>>>>>>>> classes and not interfaces (Replica, Slice, DocCollection,
>>>>>>>>>> ClusterState). Making these visible to contrib code living
>>>>>>>>>> elsewhere is making future refactoring hard and contrib code will 
>>>>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>>> likely end up reaching to methods it shouldn’t be using. If we 
>>>>>>>>>> define a
>>>>>>>>>> clean set of interfaces for plugins, I wouldn’t hesitate to break 
>>>>>>>>>> external
>>>>>>>>>> plugins that reach out to other internal Solr classes, but will make
>>>>>>>>>> everything possible to keep the API backward compatible so existing 
>>>>>>>>>> plugins
>>>>>>>>>> can be recompiled without change.
>>>>>>>>>> *> 24 interfaces to do this is definitely over engineering*
>>>>>>>>>> I don’t consider the number of classes or interfaces a metric of
>>>>>>>>>> complexity or of engineering quality. There are sample
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> plugin implementations to serve as a base for plugin writers (and 
>>>>>>>>>> for us
>>>>>>>>>> defining this framework) and I believe the process is relatively 
>>>>>>>>>> simple.
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to do the same things with existing Solr classes might prove 
>>>>>>>>>> a lot
>>>>>>>>>> harder (but might be worth the effort for comparison purposes to 
>>>>>>>>>> make sure
>>>>>>>>>> we agree on the approach? For example, getting sister replicas of a 
>>>>>>>>>> given
>>>>>>>>>> replica in the proposed API is: replica.getShard()
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> .getReplicas()
>>>>>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>>>>>> Doing so with the internal classes likely involves getting the
>>>>>>>>>> DocCollection and Slice name from the Replica, then get the
>>>>>>>>>> DocCollection from the cluster state, there get the Slice based
>>>>>>>>>> on its name and finally getReplicas() from the Slice). I
>>>>>>>>>> consider the role of this new framework is to make life as easy as 
>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>> for writing placement code and the like, make life easy for us to 
>>>>>>>>>> maintain
>>>>>>>>>> it, make it easy to write a simulation engine (should be at least an 
>>>>>>>>>> order
>>>>>>>>>> of magnitude simpler than the previous one), etc.
>>>>>>>>>> An example regarding readability and number of interfaces: rather
>>>>>>>>>> than defining an enum with runtime annotation for building its 
>>>>>>>>>> instances (
>>>>>>>>>> Variable.Type
>>>>>>>>>> <>)
>>>>>>>>>> and then very generic access methods, the proposal defines a specific
>>>>>>>>>> interface for each “variable type” (called properties
>>>>>>>>>> <>).
>>>>>>>>>> Rather than concatenating strings to specify the data to return from 
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> remote node (based on snitches
>>>>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>>>> see doc
>>>>>>>>>> <>),
>>>>>>>>>> the proposal is explicit and strongly typed (here
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>  example
>>>>>>>>>> to get a specific system property from a node). This definitely does
>>>>>>>>>> increase the number of interfaces, but reduces IMO the effort to 
>>>>>>>>>> code to
>>>>>>>>>> these abstractions and provides a lot more compile time and IDE 
>>>>>>>>>> assistance.
>>>>>>>>>> Goal is to hide all the boilerplate code and machinery (and to a
>>>>>>>>>> point - complexity) in the implementations of these interfaces 
>>>>>>>>>> rather than
>>>>>>>>>> have each plugin writer deal with the same problems.
>>>>>>>>>> We’re moving from something that was complex and hard to read and
>>>>>>>>>> debug yet functionally extremely rich, to something simpler for us, 
>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>> demanding for users (write code rather than policy config if there's 
>>>>>>>>>> a need
>>>>>>>>>> for new behavior) but that should not be less "expressive" in any
>>>>>>>>>> significant way. One could even imagine reimplementing the former
>>>>>>>>>> Autoscaling config Domain Specific Language on top of these API 
>>>>>>>>>> (maybe as a
>>>>>>>>>> summer internship project :)
>>>>>>>>>> *> This is a common mistake that we all do. When we design a
>>>>>>>>>> feature we think that is the most important thing.*
>>>>>>>>>> If by *"most important thing"* you mean investing the best
>>>>>>>>>> reasonable effort to do things right then yes.
>>>>>>>>>> If you mean trying to make a minor feature look more important
>>>>>>>>>> and inflated than it is, I disagree.
>>>>>>>>>> As a personal note, replica placement is not the aspect of
>>>>>>>>>> SolrCloud I'm most interested in, but the first bottleneck we hit 
>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>> pushing the scale of SolrCloud. I approach this with a state of mind 
>>>>>>>>>> "let's
>>>>>>>>>> do it right and get it out of the way" to move to topics I really 
>>>>>>>>>> want to
>>>>>>>>>> work on (around distribution in SolrCloud and the role of Overseer).
>>>>>>>>>> Implementing Autoscaling in a way that simplifies future refactoring 
>>>>>>>>>> (or
>>>>>>>>>> that does not make them harder than they already are) is therefore 
>>>>>>>>>> *very
>>>>>>>>>> high* on my priority list, to support modest changes (Slice to
>>>>>>>>>> Shard renaming) and more ambitious ones (replacing Zookeeper,
>>>>>>>>>> removing Overseer, you name it).
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for reading, again sorry for the long email, but I hope
>>>>>>>>>> this helps (at least helps the discussion),
>>>>>>>>>> Ilan
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu 23 Jul 2020 at 08:16, Noble Paul <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't believe we should have a set of interfaces that
>>>>>>>>>>> duplicate existing classes just for this functionality. This is a 
>>>>>>>>>>> common
>>>>>>>>>>> mistake that we all do. When we design a feature we think that is 
>>>>>>>>>>> the most
>>>>>>>>>>> important thing. We endup over designing and over engineering 
>>>>>>>>>>> things. This
>>>>>>>>>>> feature will remain a tiny part of Solr. Anyone who wishes to 
>>>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>>>> this should not require to learn a lot before even getting started. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Let's
>>>>>>>>>>> try to have a minimal set of interfaces so that people who try to 
>>>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>>>> them do not have a huge learning cure.
>>>>>>>>>>> Let's try to understand the requirement
>>>>>>>>>>>    - Solr wants a set of positions to place a few replicas
>>>>>>>>>>>    - The implementation wants to know what is the current state
>>>>>>>>>>>    of the cluster so that it can make those decisions
>>>>>>>>>>> 24 interfaces to do this is definitely over engineering
>>>>>>>>>>> —
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