The work in SOLR-14702 has left us with some awkward phrasing (which is
still better than what it was) around non-SolrCloud clusters that I've
offered to help fix.

I think we've struggled for years to find a good name for non-SolrCloud
clusters and we've used a number of variations: "legacy replication" (which
it isn't, since PULL replicas use the same thing), "Standalone mode" (which
it isn't because it's a cluster), now "leader/follower mode" (which could
be confusing because SolrCloud has leaders).

Yesterday I thought about what really differentiates a SolrCloud cluster
and a non-SolrCloud cluster and it occurred to me that a key difference is
the former is coordinated by ZooKeeper, while the latter is not. That led
me to think that perhaps "coordinated mode" can someday be a better
replacement for the term "SolrCloud", while "uncoordinated mode" could be a
replacement today for all these other non-SolrCloud mode variations.

I've opened and will
create a branch for work in progress, but before I forge too far ahead, I
want to draw attention to it first to give a chance for discussion so we're
in agreement.


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