Tomoko is correct, an MR JAR is created not only upon release but also
every time you create a lucene-core JAR on branch_8x.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 5:49 AM Tomoko Uchida <>

> I believe mr-jar build is enabled in the 8x branch (LUCENE-7966), and the
> workaround was dropped on the master branch when the minimum java version
> was bumped up to java 11 (LUCENE-8738); if my understanding is correct.
> $ jar tf core/lucene-core-8.6.1.jar | grep META-INF/versions
> META-INF/versions/
> META-INF/versions/9/
> META-INF/versions/9/org/
> META-INF/versions/9/org/apache/
> ...
> $ jar tf core/build/libs/lucene-core-9.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep
> META-INF/versions
> // no outputs
> 2020年8月30日(日) 6:48 Mike Drob <>:
>> Do you know if these mr-jars are built by default as part of the release
>> process? I definitely had no idea about them when doing 8.5.2 and did not
>> even think to verify anything about it.
>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 4:05 PM Adrien Grand <> wrote:
>>> It may only be indirectly related to your question, but there is support
>>> for vectorized operations of byte[] arrays that was added in JDK 13 (this
>>> blog 
>>> explains
>>> well what it is about) that we started leveraging for compressing terms
>>> dictionaries in Lucene 8.5:
>>> I don't know how well this is known but our build also has logic to
>>> create multi-release JARs. We don't use it in master today but it's used on
>>> branch_8x, which requires Java 8, in order to use APIs that were introduced
>>> in Java 9 such as Arrays#mismatch. See the "patch-mr-jar" target in the
>>> branch_8x build:
>>> So if APIs that could help performance were introduced in say JDK 15, we
>>> might still be able to leverage them in Lucene/Solr 9 using the same
>>> mechanism.
>>> On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 1:12 AM Marcus Eagan <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In my IDE, I have a few profiling tools that I bounce between that I
>>>> started using in my work at Lucidworks but I continue to use in my current
>>>> work today. I have suspicions that there may be some performance
>>>> improvements in Java 11 that we can exploit further.  I'm curious as to if
>>>> there has been any investigation, possibly Mark Miller or
>>>> <>,  into performance improvements
>>>> specific to the newer version of Java in Master? There are some obvious
>>>> ones that we get for free, like a better GC, but curious as to prior work
>>>> in this area before publishing anything that might be redundant or
>>>> irrelevant.
>>>> Best,
>>>> --
>>>> Marcus Eagan
>>> --
>>> Adrien


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