if everyone wants a centralized linear history so badly, why not just go
back to using subversion?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:18 PM David Smiley <dsmi...@apache.org> wrote:

> I ask you all to do the following:
> git config --global pull.rebase true
> Perhaps you have already set it as such (this retrieves the current
> setting, possibly a default):
>  git config pull.rebase
>  -> true
> *What*:  As the setting implies, this has to do with what happens on a
> "pull", but in practice it shows up in a typical workflow on a "push"
> because some "pushes" need to "pull".  When pushes do a pull, it's because
> the remote branch (e.g. master or branch_8x) has advanced beyond the point
> that you had committed from.  Git will either (A) generate a merge commit
> between the latest head and your commit (the default behavior) generating a
> bifurcation in the history, or (b) it will rebase your commit(s) on top of
> the new head (what I propose) thus producing a linear history.  In either
> case, there may be a conflict which you'll have to resolve.
> *Why?*:  To make our history easier to understand as seen via "git log"
> and in our IDEs and online.  I don't know about you all, but I find those
> visual branch bifurcations to be a distracting annoyance that is more
> obfuscating than linear history.  I don't think that merge commits are
> altogether bad, I'd just prefer that they happen in exceptional
> circumstances instead of common ones.
> *Why not?:* In full disclosure, I'm aware this is one of those debates
> like tabs vs spaces.  Some will argue that the merge commit is a better
> reflection of the reality of what happened.  While I agree, it has an
> obfuscation cost on everyone looking at the history.  I think it
> _sometimes_ makes sense for a merge commit, like maybe if the branch was a
> long lived big feature.  The setting I propose does not prevent someone
> from deliberately choosing a merge commit when they consciously want one,
> it's aimed at the common scenario during a push.
> If I can get broad agreement here, I can update
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/LUCENE/Commit+Process+Guidelines#CommitProcessGuidelines-LinearHistoryinGit
> to recommend the setting above and remove the [PENDING DISCUSSION].
> Thankfully, this appears to occur only rarely.  It happened today on
> branch_8x (I'm looking at you Eric Pugh :-) and a worse one there September
> 29th by Noble.  I say "worse" because the branch bifurcation was 2 weeks
> long for that one.
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley

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