Thanks for shining a spotlight on this Mike.
I have some questions to consider.  I'll call these additional repos,
"external contribs", or just contribs for short here; perhaps our internal
contribs would migrate.

Q: Would each contrib be released at its own cadence unrelated to Solr?  I
suppose so.
Q: Would each contrib have it's own release vote?  I suppose so, as it has
its own artifact.  I think the ASF requires this.
Q: Is it "okay" to release new Solr versions that break any of these
external contribs?  Knowingly or unknowingly -- does it matter?
Q: What technical work is needed to extricate an internal contrib to an
* source control history.  (note: i've done this git history in a single
folder extraction before, with a popular Stackoverflow answer)
* mandatory ASF files, e.g. license, notice
* more files that we may want: CHANGES.txt
* More build files; copying the rules/setup/standards of the Solr
mothership and will become divergent over time no doubt.  Or just KISS
principle; no sharing; simple Maven projects.
Q: Could & should many contribs live in one repo (no more internal
contribs), yet each still have its own release cycle?  This could make
sharing build infrastructure easier, and detecting Solr compatibility with
them easier.  Although it would mean sharing GitHub project area, thus
sharing issues/PRs.
Q: Should we create a separate JIRA for these contribs... or ditch JIRA
entirely for them, relying on GitHub alone?
Q: Would contribs be treated as first class citizens in the Solr Reference
Guide (they are still in the ASF after all), or would they be banished like
the DIH was?

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 6:40 PM Mike Drob <> wrote:

> Solr Devs,
> We've slowly been moving into a multi-repository model, and I wanted to
> bring some more attention to it and have a more focused discussion. We've
> recently embarked upon the acceptance of solr-operator as a distinct
> repo[1] under the care of the Lucene (soon to be Solr) PMC. I expect that
> there will be more cases of this as we transition additional contribs out
> of core, or as more plugins, packages, and integrations mature. Some will
> make sense as externally maintained code bases, but I believe other
> contributions may benefit our community more as part of the Apache
> Foundation.
> I think there was a very insightful comment[2] made by GP regarding
> adopting a similar model to Apache Commons governance, bringing attention
> to it here because I fear it may have gotten lost deep in the thread. Based
> on observations of Commons and a few other Apache projects with multi-repo
> setups, there thankfully does not appear to be a limit on how many
> repositories a PMC can maintain. The size and scope of each individual
> repository can vary greatly. I see potential ideas for anything that could
> be standalone and not tied to a release cycle (Admin UI, DIH, etc...), or
> anything that bridges integrations between Solr and other systems (k8s,
> HDFS, etc...).
> The risks that new repos face are similar to the risks they would have
> encountered as contrib modules, but I don't think they should dissuade us.
> Each project would need to start with a champion or sponsor and a
> discussion on the mailing list. From there, we can vote to accept the code,
> or just the idea if there is no code yet, as a community and create the
> repo. As part of a natural lifecycle, if there's not enough momentum or
> adoption over time, then we can update the README and docs and "retire"
> certain projects. The exact mechanisms can be undetermined for now; maybe
> it's a repo rename, maybe it's marking the repo read-only, maybe it's
> something else.
> The Commons model is that everyone is a committer on everything. There are
> other governance models, like Hadoop, with "area committers" who are
> limited to the specific repositories they have contributed frequently to.
> I'm not sure which model ultimately suits us better, but I think that
> leveraging area committers would allow us to recognize and empower
> contributors sooner and more frequently. Releases would still need to be
> voted on and approved by the singular PMC.
> There's no real action items here, it's more of a discussion prompt. If it
> looks like we have general consensus to this approach, then I'll start
> putting together individual proposals for a few repos to exercise the
> process and get more contributions going. I'll probably put the proposals
> together even if there's no replies here, but I'd much rather have some
> acknowledgement from the community that I'm headed in a sustainable
> direction!
> Mike
> [1]:
> [2]:

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