
I kept hoping to meet again at a future conference and have an
extended version of the talk we had the first time we met. It was very
valuable but I felt I only got a glimpse of what was possible.
Perhaps, one day, I can travel near your actual "nest" and buy you a
beer or two and listen to the true war stories at the search coalface.

Until then, I wish you luck with the furry rats. We have some in our
backyard, but since we haven't - yet - started growing things, I view
them with amusement rather than anger. But, next summer, I will
probably follow your steps too. I wonder if Tesla coils are more DIY
then the laser-guided heat rays. Though heat rays on lower settings
could be quite nice in Montreal winter, I am sure.

P.s. Good old days! When one had to tell the disassembler that the
next instruction was "probably" a start of the string as one tried to
hack Xonix and Arkanoid levels!
P.p.s. If you need any listening material while you garden, I suspect
you will enjoy the hardware/software discussions podcast: "On the

On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 at 09:09, Erick Erickson <> wrote:
> 40 years is enough. OK, it's only been 39 1/2 years. Dear Lord, has it really 
> been that long? Programming's been fun, I've gotten to solve puzzles every 
> day. The art and science of programming has changed over that time. Let me 
> tell you about the joys of debugging with a Z80 stack emulator that required 
> that you to look on the stack for variables and trace function calls by 
> knowing how to follow frame pointers. Oh the tedium! Oh the (lack of) speed! 
> Not to mention that 64K of memory was all you had to work with. I had a 
> co-worker who could predict the number of bytes by which the program would 
> shrink based on extracting common code to functions. The "good old 
> days"...weren't...
> I'd been thinking that I'd treat Lucene/Solr as a hobby, doing occasional 
> work on it when I was bored over long winter nights. I've discovered, though, 
> that I've been increasingly reluctant to crack open the code. I guess that 
> after this much time, I'm ready to hang up my spurs. One major factor is the 
> realization that there's so much going on with Lucene/Solr that simply being 
> aware of the changes, much less trying to really understand them, isn't 
> something I can do casually.
> I bought a welder and find myself more interested in playing with that than 
> programming. Wait until you see the squirrel-proof garden enclosure I'm 
> building with it. If my initial plan doesn't work, next up is an electric 
> fence along the top. The laser-sighted automatic machine gun emplacement will 
> take more planning...Ahhh, probably won't be able to get a permit from the 
> township for that though. Do you think the police would notice? Perhaps I 
> should add that the local police station is two blocks away and in the line 
> of fire. But an infrared laser powerful enough to "pre-cook" them wouldn't be 
> as obvious would it?
> Why am I so fixated on squirrels? One of the joys of gardening is fresh 
> tomatoes rather than those red things they sell in the store. The squirrels 
> melons. In the words of B. Bunny: "Of course you realize this means war" 
> (
> Then there's working in the garden and landscaping, the desk I want to build 
> for my wife, travel as soon as I can, maybe seeing if some sailboats need 
> get the idea.
> It's been a privilege to work with this group, you're some of the best and 
> brightest. Many thanks to all who've generously given me their time and 
> guidance. It's been a constant source of amazement to me how willing people 
> are to take time out of their own life and work to help me when I've had 
> questions. I owe a lot of people beers ;)
> I'll be stopping my list subscriptions, Slack channels (dm me if you need 
> something), un-assigning any JIRAs and that kind of thing over the next 
> while. If anyone's interested in taking over the BadApple report, let me know 
> and I can put the code up somewhere. It takes about 10 minutes to do each 
> week. I won't disappear entirely, things like the code-reformatting effort 
> are nicely self-contained for instance and something I can to casually.
> My e-mail address if you need to get in touch with me is: 
> "". There's a correlation between gmail addresses 
> that are just a name with no numbers and a person's age... A co-worker came 
> over to my desk in pre-historical times and said "there's this new mail 
> service you might want to sign up for"... Like I said, 40 years is enough.
> Best to all,
> Erick
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