Hi committers,

I'd like to organize a virtual Lucene/Solr committer meeting this month
with an intention to discuss the plan for 9.0 release, and the subsequent
creation of the Solr TLP. I've started a confluence page to organize the
agenda for this -

I'll share a link to the "Doodle Poll" to figure out a time that suits most
of us. You'll be able to find a link to the poll on #lucene-dev and
#solr-dev channels on the ASF Slack. Please email me to ask for the link if
you are a committer who isn't on Slack and would like to participate.

For this virtual committer meeting and future ones:

   - This is in the spirit of committer meetings co-located with
   conferences.  ASF policy says that no "decisions" can be made in such a
   venue.  We make decisions on this dev list and indirectly via JIRA out in
   the open and with the opportunity for anyone to comment.
   - Who:  Committer-only
   - Video chat with option of audio dial-in.  This time I will use Google
   Hangout but open to using something else.
   - I wouldn't be recording this, but would provide detailed meeting notes
   that I can share with everyone who signs up.
   - Published notes:  I (or someone) will take written meeting notes that
   are ultimately published for anyone to see (not restricted to those
   invited). They will be transmitted to the dev list.

Anshum Gupta

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