Do these two options conflate concerns of input format vs. actual
algorithm? That was always my disappointment.

I feel like the java apis are off here at the lower level, and it
hurts the user.
I don't talk about the input format from the user, instead I mean the
execution of the faceting query.

IMO: building top-level caches (e.g. uninvertedfield) or
on-the-fly-caches (e.g. fieldcache) is totally trappy already.
But with the uninvertedfield of json facets it does its own thing,
even if you went thru the trouble to enable docvalues at index time:
that's sad.

the code by default should not give the user jvm
heap/garbage-collector hell. If you want to do that to yourself, for a
totally static index, IMO that should be opt-in.

But for the record, it is no longer just two shitty choices like
"top-level vs per-segment". There are different field types, e.g.
numeric types where the per-segment approach works efficiently.
Then you have the strings, but there is a newish middle ground for
Strings: OrdinalMap (lucene Multi* interfaces do it) which builds
top-level integers structures to speed up string-faceting, but doesnt
need *string values* in ram.
It is just integers and mostly compresses as deltas. Adrien compresses
the shit out of it.

So I'd hate for the user to lose the option here of using docvalues to
keep faceting out of heap memory, which should not be hassling them
already in 2021.
Maybe better to refactor the code such that all these concerns aren't
unexpectedly tied together.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 10:08 PM David Smiley <> wrote:
> There's a JIRA issue about this from 5 years ago: 
> I don't recall seeing any resistance to the idea of having the JSON Faceting 
> module act as a back-end to the front-end (API surface) of Solr's 
> common/classic/original/whatever faceting API.  I don't think that simple API 
> should go away; it's strength is simple/common cases that are comparatively 
> verbose in the JSON one.
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 9:57 PM Marcus Eagan <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sorry to spam the list. I am querying the list in such quick succession 
>> because of a realization I came to while on Twitter. Is it time to deprecate 
>> the Legacy Facet API?
>> I understood in the past that they behaved slightly differently. Now, I'm 
>> wondering if it makes sense to keep the legacy facets package as it adds a 
>> burden of maintenance to the project. If some activists really want it, I 
>> will abandon the effort. If the interest is very light, I suppose they can 
>> package it up in a plugin. In fact, I would help if they run into trouble 
>> and I am able to help.
>> Anyway, let me know what you think. If it's a good idea, I will head over to 
>> the chopping block.
>> --
>> Marcus Eagan

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