This has an issue of still leading to node outages if the fanout for a
query is high.

Circuit breakers follow a simple rule -- defend the node at the cost of
degraded responses.

Ideally, only few requests will be completely rejected -- some will see
partial results. Due to this non discriminating nature of circuit breakers,
the typical blip on service quality due to high resource usage is short

However, it is possible to write a circuit breaker which rejects only
external requests in master branch (we have the ability to identify
requests as internal or external there).



On Sun, 14 Feb 2021, 23:07 Walter Underwood, <> wrote:

> This got zero responses on the solr-user list, so I’ll raise the issue
> here.
> Should circuit breakers only kill external search requests and not
> cluster-internal requests to shards?
> Circuit breakers can kill any request, whether it is a client request from
> outside the cluster or an internal distributed request to a shard. Killing
> a portion of distributed request will affect the main request. Not sure
> whether a 503 from a shard will kill the whole request or cause partial
> results, but it isn’t good.
> We run with 8 shards. If a circuit breaker is killing 10% of requests on
> each host, that will hit 57% of all external requests (0.9^8 = 0.43). That
> seems like “overkill” to me. If it only kills external requests, then 10%
> means 10%.
> Killing only external requests requires that external requests go roughly
> equally to all hosts in the cluster, or at least all NRT or PULL replicas.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
>  (my blog)

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