Please vote for release candidate 2 for Lucene/Solr 8.8.1

The artifacts can be downloaded from:

You can run the smoke tester directly with this command:
python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours i.e. until 2021-02-20 03:00 UTC.

[ ] +1  approve
[ ] +0  no opinion
[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)

Here is my +1 SUCCESS! [0:50:07.947952]

Also, as with RC1, in addition to the smoke test, I built a Docker
image from the RC locally and verified:

a. A rolling upgrade of a 3-node 8.7.0 cluster to the 8.8.1 RC
completes successfully w/o any NPEs or weirdness with leader election
/ recoveries.
b. The base_url property is stored in replica state after the upgrade
c. A basic client application built with SolrJ 8.7.0 can load cluster
state info directly from ZK and query the 8.8.1 RC2 servers.
d. Same client app built with SolrJ 8.8.0 works as well.

As this bug-fix release is primarily needed to address a SolrJ
back-compat break (SOLR-15145) and unfortunately our smoke tester
framework does not test for backcompat of older SolrJ against the RC,
I ask others to please test rolling upgrades of servers (ideally
multi-node clusters) running pre-8.8.0 to this RC if possible. Also,
please try client applications that are using an older SolrJ, esp.
those that load cluster state directly from ZK.

Best regards,

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