As a lot of you reached out to me about wanting to unsubscribe and I'm
unable to manually process this for each of you,

I recommend folks who want to unsubscribe from a mailing list to do so by
just sending an email to <mailing-list> or
<mailing-list>, based on what the address for
the mailing list is e.g. If you want to unsubscribe from general@l.a.o, you
can do so by sending an email to general-unsubscribe@l.a.o.

On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 3:33 PM Anshum Gupta <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to inform you that new mailing lists have been created as part of
> the bootstrapping of the newly created Apache Solr TLP. Below are all the
> lists and their corresponding subscription request addresses that will be
> used for Solr going forward:
> 1. *Solr Dev* - []
> 2. *Builds* - []
> 3. *Commits* - []
> 4. *Issues* - []
> The *Solr user mailing list has been migrated* from
> to *
> <>*. As part of this migration, all people who were
> subscribed to the old list continue to be subscribed to the new one. Any
> email sent to the old list going forward will automatically be redirected
> to the new address with an updated reply-to address i.e. emails for
> existing threads will be gracefully migrated. Please fix any mail filters
> you may have for this list.
> For more information please see -
> Feel free to reach out to the Solr PMC in case of any questions or issues.
> -Anshum
> On behalf of the Apache Solr PMC

Anshum Gupta

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