Jenkins does this already:

It uses build number!

The system property "version suffix" is responsible and is set by Jenkins. See 
in command line: [Lucene-Artifacts-main] $ 
 -Dversion.suffix=jenkins242 assemble


Am May 20, 2021 12:25:48 PM UTC schrieb Michael Sokolov <>:
>In principal it makes sense, but is there any chance the build artifact
>could vary for the same SHA? We hope not, I think, but stranger things
>happened. Probably an edge case not worth worrying about though, and
>relying on the build server's clock doesn't seem great, so +1 from me,
>although I don't use these so my interest is mostly theoretical.
>On Thu, May 20, 2021, 8:20 AM Alan Woodward <>
>> Hi all,
>> I’m preparing a local lucene 9.0 snapshot build and I notice that the
>> files generated by `./gradlew mavenToLocalFolder` are called
>something like
>> `lucene-suggest-9.0.0-20210520.111833-1-javadoc.jar` - in other
>words, they
>> are including a timestamp.  For my setup I’d like to replace this
>with the
>> git SHA of the commit the snapshot is based on.  So I have two
>> 1) Is there a simple override or gradle property that I can pass on
>> command line that will change the output names of artefacts?
>> 2) I think in general commit SHAs are better than timestamps for
>> names - two identical snapshots taken from identical sources at
>> times shouldn’t really have different names.  Should we look at
>> the existing snapshot generation code to switch to using SHAs?
>> - Alan
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Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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