Hi Adrien, Jim,

First, thank you for your time and insightful comments. They are very much 
appreciated, and will no doubt lead to the best solution.

I will reimplement the elasticsearch collector as suggested, and then circle 
back here with a proposal for the reduction in accessibility most appropriate 
for Lucene.


P.S. Eliminating split packages shines a spotlight on tech debt. Each case 
different and requiring / deserving of its own investigation and analysis. I 
try to do as much of this upfront, but really it needs the valuable input from 
folk on this list. Thank you for your time.

> On 14 Oct 2021, at 19:05, jim ferenczi <jim.feren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree, we should have a SinglePassGroupingCollector in Elasticsearch and 
> reduce the visibility of these expert classes in Lucene.
> As it stands today, the FirstPassGroupingCollector could be a final class imo.
> Le jeu. 14 oct. 2021 à 18:42, Adrien Grand <jpou...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jpou...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
> I feel sorry for increasing the scope of all these requests for changes that 
> you make, but the way Elasticsearch overrides this collector feels wrong to 
> me as any change in the implementation details of this collector would 
> probably break Elasticsearch's collector too. In my opinion, 
> CollectedSearchGroup should not even be public. My preference would be to 
> copy this collector to the Elasticsearch code base and fold the changes from 
> Elasticsearch's CollapsingTopDocsCollector into it. I'm not super familiar 
> with this code, so I might be missing something. Maybe Jim or Alan have an 
> opinion.

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