Thanks everyone!

It's a great honor to become a lucene committer and thank you everyone for
building such a friendly community and specially thank you to who has
replied email/ commented on issues/ reviewed PRs related to my work. It is
an enjoyable experience working with lucene community and I'm looking
forward to learn more about lucene as well as contribute more to the
community as a committer.

A little bit about myself, I'm currently living in Mountain View and
working at Amazon Search, in the same team as Mike McCandless, Mike Sokolov
and Greg. Besides digging into lucene for some work related projects, I am
also very curious about how some fancy stuffs are implemented inside
lucene, and that probably is one of the reason drives me to be a committer.
Besides programming, I enjoy playing video games a lot, I admire
well-designed game and hope I could participate in game development one
day. As for outdoor activities, I like skiing and traveling, due to COVID
it's still hard to travel around but I hope things will be better next year.

Thank you again!

David Smiley <> 于2021年12月19日周日 09:14写道:

> Congratulations Haoyu!
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 4:12 AM Dawid Weiss <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> Please welcome Haoyu Zhai as the latest Lucene committer. You may also
>> know Haoyu as Patrick - this is perhaps his kind gesture to those of
>> us whose tongues are less flexible in pronouncing difficult first
>> names. :)
>> It's a tradition to briefly introduce yourself to the group, Patrick.
>> Welcome and thank you!
>> Dawid
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