I think mirroring the tags is a good idea and can only be useful.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 8:56 AM Houston Putman <hous...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> As mentioned in SOLR-15874
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15874>, we are not hosting
> the tags for the latest 8.x releases in the split apache/solr and
> apache/lucene repositories. All release tags made prior to the repository
> split exist in the new repos, so I see no reason that the newer 8.x tags
> cannot exist in the new repos as well.
> Eventually once Solr is on 10.x, there will be very little need for the
> lucene-solr repository, since Lucene has already moved on past 8.x. At that
> point, having all the previous release tags in the new repos will make it
> possible to remove the lucene-solr repo. (Although that is not something I
> want to discuss on this thread, just merely one reason hosting the tags is
> a good idea)
> I'm happy to mirror the tags to each repository manually, unless anyone
> has objections (for either lucene or solr).
> - Houston

Anshum Gupta

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