Hi everyone, a quick update on the 9.1 release. I ran into some smoke
tester failures that we are almost done sorting out. Just one issue remains
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10461) -- once that's
resolved we can move forward with RC1.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 5:31 PM Julie Tibshirani <juliet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Branch branch_9_1 has been cut and versions updated to 9.2 on stable
> branch.
> Please observe the normal rules:
> * No new features may be committed to the branch.
> * Documentation patches, build patches and serious bug fixes may be
>   committed to the branch. However, you should submit all patches you
>   want to commit to Jira first to give others the chance to review
>   and possibly vote against the patch. Keep in mind that it is our
>   main intention to keep the branch as stable as possible.
> * All patches that are intended for the branch should first be committed
>   to the unstable branch, merged into the stable branch, and then into
>   the current release branch.
> * Normal unstable and stable branch development may continue as usual.
>   However, if you plan to commit a big change to the unstable branch
>   while the branch feature freeze is in effect, think twice: can't the
>   addition wait a couple more days? Merges of bug fixes into the branch
>   may become more difficult.
> * Only Jira issues with Fix version 9.1 and priority "Blocker" will delay
>   a release candidate build.
> I published a draft of the release notes here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/LUCENE/Release+Notes+9.1.
> Please feel free to add or correct anything.
> Note that I haven't completed the step "Add Jenkins task for the release
> branch" as I had trouble following the release wizard instructions. I've
> reached out over ASF Slack for input on this.
> Thanks!
> Julie

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