There are actually two different automata implementations inside
Lucene - one is a somewhat modified fork of Brics
(, which is a great general-purpose
library for handling automata. The other is an algorithm for building
automata (transducers) from sorted input-output pairs based on the
Daciuk-Mihov algorithm. This implementation handles large data very
well because it is compact and fast but requires sorted input. Jan
Daciuk designed an algorithm capable of implementing the construction
from non-sorted input but it's more complex and in practice sorting
typically wins (


On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 7:47 PM Petar Dambovaliev
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was looking for a way to update Non/Deterministic finite automatons with 
> new data.
> Some people pointed out that "Lucene is doing that. You should ask them how 
> they do it.".
> So here i am. I would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right 
> direction so i can see how you are doing this.
> Thank you.

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