Congratulations and welcome, Vigya!

- Alan

> On 28 Jul 2022, at 20:44, Vigya Sharma < 
> <>> wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. It is an honor to be invited as a 
> Lucene committer, and I look forward to contributing more to the community.
> A little bit about me - I currently work for the Product Search team at 
> Amazon, and am based out of the San Francisco Bay Area in California, US. 
> I am interested in a wide variety of computer science areas, and, in the last 
> few years, have focused more on distributed systems, concurrency, system 
> software and performance. Outside of tech., I like spending my time outdoors 
> - running, skiing, and long road trips. I completed my first marathon (the 
> SFMarathon) last week, and now, getting this invitation has made this month a 
> highlight of the year.
> I had known that Lucene powers some of the most popular search and analytics 
> use cases across the globe, but as I've gotten more involved, the depth and 
> breadth of this software has blown my mind. I am deeply impressed by what 
> this community has built, and how it continues to work together and grow. It 
> is a great honor to be trusted with committer privileges, and I look forward 
> to learning and contributing to multiple different parts of the library.
> Thank you,
> Vigya
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 12:20 PM Anshum Gupta < 
> <>> wrote:
> Congratulations and welcome, Vigya! 
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 12:34 AM Adrien Grand < 
> <>> wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce that Vigya Sharma has accepted the PMC's
> invitation to become a committer.
> Vigya, the tradition is that new committers introduce themselves with a
> brief bio.
> Congratulations and welcome!
> -- 
> Adrien
> -- 
> Anshum Gupta
> -- 
> - Vigya

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