The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Lucene 9.4.2

Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured search engine library
written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any
application that requires structured search, full-text search, faceting,
nearest-neighbor search on high-dimensionality vectors, spell correction or
query suggestions.

This patch release contains an important fix for a bug affecting version
9.4.1. The release is available for immediate download at:

Lucene 9.4.2 Release Highlights

Bug fixes
 - Fixed integer overflow when opening segments containing more than ~16M
KNN vectors.
 - Fixed cost computation of BitSets created via DocIdSetBuilder, such as
for multi-term queries. This may improve performance of multi-term queries.

 - CheckIndex now verifies the consistency of KNN vectors more thoroughly.

Further details of changes are available in the change log available at:

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists (

Note: The Apache Software Foundation now uses a content distribution
network (CDN) for distributing releases.


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