Yes, you would split the document into multiple chunks, whereas the ChatGPT retrieval plugin does this by itself, whereas AFAIK the default chunk size is 200 tokens (

Also it creates a unique ID for each document you upload, which is saved as "document_id" (at least for Weaviate) together with the chunk text.

Re a Lucene implementation, you might want to store the chunk text outside of the Lucene index using only a chunk id.



Am 09.05.23 um 04:14 schrieb Jun Luo:
The pr mentioned a Elasticsearch pr <> that increased the dim to 2048 in ElasticSearch.

Curious how you use Lucene's KNN search. Lucene's KNN supports one vector per document. Usually multiple/many vectors are needed for a document content. We will have to split the document content into chunks and create one Lucene document per document chunk.

ChatGPT plugin directly stores the chunk text in the underline vector db. If there are lots of documents, will it be a concern to store the full document content in Lucene? In the traditional inverted index use case, is it common to store the full document content in Lucene?

Another question: if you use Lucene as a vector db, do you still need the inverted index? Wondering what would be the use case to use inverted index together with vector index. If we don't need the inverted index, will it be better to use other vector dbs? For example, PostgreSQL also added vector support recently.


On Sat, May 6, 2023 at 1:44 PM Michael Wechner <> wrote:

    there is already a pull request for Elasticsearch which is also
    mentioning the max size 1024

    Am 06.05.23 um 19:00 schrieb Michael Wechner:
    > Hi Together
    > I recently setup ChatGPT retrieval plugin locally
    > I think it would be nice to consider to submit a Lucene
    > for this plugin
    > The plugin is using by default OpenAI's model
    > with 1536 dimensions
    > but which means one won't be able to use it out-of-the-box with
    > Similar request here

    > I understand we just recently had a lenghty discussion about
    > increasing the max dimension and whatever one thinks of OpenAI,
    > is, that it has a huge impact and I think it would be nice that
    > could be part of this "revolution". All we have to do is
    increase the
    > limit from 1024 to 1536 or even 2048 for example.
    > Since the performace seems to be linear with the vector
    dimension and
    > several members have done performance tests successfully and 1024
    > seems to have been chosen as max dimension quite arbitrarily in the
    > first place, I think it should not be a problem to increase the max
    > dimension by a factor 1.5 or 2.
    > WDYT?
    > Thanks
    > Michael
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