
my response was a bit unclear. Before Lucene 4.0 we saved *deletions* in a bitset (1 = doc deleted), so you were able to use the DocIdSetIterator provided directly. At this point there was no sparse implementation.

My idea was more about this: "Because we marked *deleted* docs (not live docs) in the bitset, the cardinality of the Bitset was small and a sparse one would work well". Of course we can just invert on set/get to make use of a SparseFixedBitSet.


Am 06.02.2024 um 21:05 schrieb Adrien Grand:
Good point, I opened an issue to discuss this: https://github.com/apache/lucene/issues/13084.

Did we actually use a sparse bit set to encode deleted docs before? I don't recall that.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 2:42 PM Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de> wrote:


    A SparseBitset impl for DELETES would be fine if the model in
    Lucene would encode deleted docs (it did that in earlier times).
    As deletes are sparse (deletes are in most cases <40%), this would
    help to make the iterator cheaper.


    Am 06.02.2024 um 09:01 schrieb Adrien Grand:
    Hey Michael,

    You are right, iterating all deletes with nextClearBit() would
    run in O(maxDoc). I am coming from the other direction, where I'm
    expecting the number of deletes to be more in the order of 1%-5%
    of the doc ID space, so a separate int[] would use lots of heap
    and probably not help that much compared with nextClearBit(). My
    mental model is that the two most common use-cases are
    append-only workloads, where there are no deletes at all, and
    update workloads, which would commonly have several percents of
    deleted docs. It's not clear to me how common it is to have very
    few deletes.

    On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 7:03 AM Michael Froh <msf...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Thanks Adrien!

        My thinking with a separate iterator was that nextClearBit()
        is relatively expensive (O(maxDoc) to traverse everything, I
        think). The solution I was imagining would involve an
        index-time change to output, say, an int[] of deleted docIDs
        if the number is sufficiently small (like maybe less than
        1000). Then the livedocs interface could optionally return a
        cheap deleted docs iterator (i.e. only if the number of
        deleted docs is less than the threshold). Technically, the
        cost would be O(1), since we set a constant bound on the
        effort and fail otherwise. :)

        I think 1000 doc value lookups would be cheap, but I don't
        know if the guarantee is cheap enough to make it into

        That said, I'm going to see if iterating with nextClearBit()
        is sufficiently cheap. Hmm... precomputing that int[] for
        deleted docIDs on refresh could be an option too.

        Thanks again,

        On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 11:38 PM Adrien Grand
        <jpou...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Hi Michael,

            Indeed, only MatchAllDocsQuery knows how to produce a
            count when there are deletes.

            Your idea sounds good to me, do you actually need a side
            car iterator for deletes, or could you use a
            nextClearBit() operation on the bit set?

            I don't think we can fold it into Weight#count since
            there is an expectation that it is negligible compared
            with the cost of a naive count, but we may be able to do
            it in IndexSearcher#count or on the OpenSearch side.

            Le ven. 2 févr. 2024, 23:50, Michael Froh
            <msf...@gmail.com> a écrit :


                On OpenSearch, we've been taking advantage of the
                various O(1) Weight#count() implementations to
                quickly compute various aggregations without needing
                to iterate over all the matching documents (at least
                when the top-level query is functionally a match-all
                at the segment level). Of course, from what I've
                seen, every clever Weight#count()
                implementation falls apart (returns -1) in the face
                of deletes.

                I was thinking that we could still handle small
                numbers of deletes efficiently if only we could get a
                DocIdSetIterator for deleted docs.

                Like suppose you're doing a date histogram
                aggregation, you could get the counts for each bucket
                from the points tree (ignoring deletes), then iterate
                through the deleted docs and decrement their
                contribution from the relevant bucket (determined
                based on a docvalues lookup). Assuming the number of
                deleted docs is small, it should be cheap, right?

                The current LiveDocs implementation is just a
                FixedBitSet, so AFAIK it's not great for iteration.
                I'm imagining adding a supplementary "deleted docs
                iterator" that could sit next to the FixedBitSet if
                and only if the number of deletes is "small". Is
                there a better way that I should be thinking about this?


-- Adrien

-- Uwe Schindler
    Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen


Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen

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