> One observation though: there are some docs under the help folder (that
> too as text files) and some under dev-docs. I personally feel all these
> should be organized into the dev-docs folder (as .md files for readability
> on github and IDEs), since that was the first place I went to look for any
> docs.

Expectations are different depending on whom you ask. I prefer those txt
files over md files, actually - they're easier to cat to terminal/grep,
etc. And there is a gradle task that shows them - type:

gradlew help

and you'll see what I mean:

This is Lucene's gradle build. See some
guidelines, ant-equivalent commands etc. under help/*; or type:

  gradlew :helpWorkflow         # Typical workflow commands.
  gradlew :helpTests            # Tests, filtering, beasting, etc.
  gradlew :helpFormatting       # Code formatting conventions.
  gradlew :helpJvms             # Using alternative or EA JVM toolchains.
  gradlew :helpDeps             # Declaring, inspecting and excluding
  gradlew :helpForbiddenApis    # How to add/apply rules for forbidden APIs.
  gradlew :helpLocalSettings    # Local settings, overrides and build
performance tweaks.
  gradlew :helpRegeneration     # How to refresh generated and derived
  gradlew :helpJmh              # JMH micro-benchmarks.
  gradlew :helpGit              # Git assistance and guides.
  gradlew :helpIDEs             # IDE support.
  gradlew :helpPublishing       # Maven and other artifact publishing,
signing, etc.

The "dev-docs" are mostly concerned with processes and procedures; the
help/ is, I think, more focused on development/code. But you're entitled
to your own opinion, of course. ;)


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