I am running into the following problem discussed and fixed in the current
Lucene Java version:

"While sorting results over a numeric field, documents which do not contain
a value for the sorting field seem to get 0 (ZERO) value in the sort.
(Tested against Double, Float, Int & Long numeric fields ascending and
descending order).
This behavior is unexpected, as zero is "comparable" to the rest of the
values. A better solution would either be allowing the user to define such
a "non-value" default, or always bring those document results as the last

Is this something that can get into Lucene.Net soon?  See
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-3390 for complete information
on the Lucene issue and fix.

 Tom Cabanski
Software Developer & President <http://southsidesoft.com>
 5702 Kendall Hill Ln
Sugar Land, TX 77479

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: Ditto for Azure. It all came back. Funny thing is I think MS never even
bothered to fix Zune problem because it was firmware
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