Thank you for your warm welcome. This is a great honor for me to
become a Lucene and Solr committer.

I am a french software engineer, currently living in Paris although I
was raised near Caen in Normandy. I started to get interested in
search engines in 2008 during an internship at Exalead where I had
great co-workers who introduced me to the internals of search engines.
Just before graduating, I have been contacted by Twenga, an online
shopping engine, which was looking for a search engineer. Working with
Lucene/Solr full-time sounded very cool so I did not hesitate long.
:-) I am still working there, where I do development and some system
administration for our search infrastructure.

Besides computer sciences, I also enjoy sports, especially running,
cycling and horse riding, as well as drinking good beer with friends.

Thank you for your trust, I am very proud to become part of the team!


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