On Fri, 17 Aug 2012, csrickle wrote:


This is an Apache Accumulo interface. The particular class containing the nested class, analogous to App.Embedded.hello2(), is TabletServerBatchReaderIterator:


Getting jcc to recognize MyEntry (listed below) is the actual problem I'm still hoping to solve.

 private static class MyEntry implements Entry<Key,Value> {
99       private Key key;
100      private Value value;
102      MyEntry(Key key, Value value) {
103      this.key = key;
104      this.value = value;
105      }
107      @Override
108      public Key getKey() {
109      return key;
110      }
112      @Override
113      public Value getValue() {
114      return value;
115      }
117      @Override
118      public Value setValue(Value value) {
119      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
120      }
122      }

If this class is contained within a specified --jar argument in the jcc invocation, can I then add a --rename command such that I can refer to the "private" and "static" MyEntry class.

When using --jar, only public classes are wrapped. The reason is that non-public classes are not meant to be accessed from the outside and that this offers a great way to reduce the amount of code generated by JCC.

This is also why you should carefully consider which --package flags to use so that dependencies to classes outside the set you'd like to wrap also get wrapped. By default, methods whose signature refers to classes outside your wrap-set that are not in a package listed with --package are skipped.

If JCC was greedy in its wrapping by default, you'd very quickly end up wrapping the entire JRE.

Now, to your question more specifically: to wrap a non-public class, just list their name on the jcc command line.

For example, if you change your jcchello Embedded class to private and give it a public constructor, then your earlier example still works as before, you can still call AppEmbedded(App()).hello2(). If you don't give it a public constructor, you won't be able to instantiate Embedded from the outside, as only public methods and constructors are wrapped, for similar reasons.


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