
The CoreAdmin wiki page (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin) implies
that setting up at least one core is not mandatory and neither is
solr.xml.   However when trying to migrate from 3.6 to 4.0 beta, I got a
message in the admin console: "There are no SolrCores running — for the
current functionality we require at least one SolrCore, sorry :)"

Here are a few questions that probably need to be cleared up in the
1) Is running at least one core required or is the message above referring
to some admin console functionality that wont work without at least one
core?   If running at least one core is required, perhaps this needs also
to go in the Release notes/Changes.

2) The README.txt file in example/solr/README.txt  needs revision.  Is
example/solr  the Solr Home directory?  If so what is the relationship
between Solr Home and subdirectories for different cores?   Do only lib
files go in /example/solr/lib  or in example/solr/collection1/lib
Which files/directories are shared by cores and which need to be in
separate core directories?

I'll be happy to add these as a comment to Solr 3288 if that is
appropriate.  Please let me know.

Thanks for all your work on Solr 4!


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