Our search client needs to render the current search information from a
SolrQuery object. The existing SolrQuery.getSortFields() method returns an
array of strings of the form "fieldname direction", which the client must
parse itself. While this is not very difficult, it is orthogonal to the
concept used for setting sort information, which is based on methods taking
two parameters: fieldname and an enum indicating sort direction

The issue is logged as https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3926. I
have created a patch with a new method "Map<String, ORDER>
getSortFieldMap()". This method will parse the current search settings, and
return a typed object which is easier to work with. The patch is created
against the branch_4x code.

It would be cool if a commiter could look at the issue and the code, and
give some feedback, and hopefully promote the code into repository.

If required, I will also create a similar patch for trunk.


There is no high like a tango high
There is no low like a tango low

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