Hi Tom,

That must have been a fun surprise!  Maybe just add info to the SolrCloud
Wiki page?

Solr & ElasticSearch Support
On Jan 15, 2013 12:43 PM, "Tom Burton-West" <tburt...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We have been using Solr 4.0 for a while and suddenly we couldn't get Solr
> to come up.   As Solr was starting up it hung after opening a Searcher.
>  There wasn't anything else obvious in the logs.  Eventually we realized
> that the problem was that the updatelog was being read and that the update
> log contained the entire text of all 800,000+ books that we indexed (About
> 837GB).
> We looked and didn't find any obvious note in the Solr 4.0 Release notes
> on upgrading from 3.6 or any documentation in the example solrconfig.xml
> that mentioned that perhaps if you have large documents and you aren't
> using real-time get, you may want to turn this off/comment this out to
> avoid transactions logs that can exceed the size of your index.
> In the latest 4.0 example/solrconfig.xml (r 
> *1433064<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1433064>)
> , updateLog is enabled in the default Solr updateHandler by default and the
> only comment is:*
> *
> <!-- Enables a transaction log, currently used for real-time get.
>          "dir" - the target directory for transaction logs, defaults to the
>             solr data directory -->
> *
>  Some users who are either new to Solr or upgrading from earlier versions
> of Solr may not understand whether or not they need "real-time get" and
> they may not want to delve into the details of near- realtime search or
> using Solr as an NoSQL server in order to determine whether they should
> comment out the updateLog entry.
> I think that either the updateLog should not be enabled by default (don't
> know the pros and cons of this), or at the very least, something should
> mention that this can lead to large transaction logs and there should be a
> pointer to some documentation that would enable the user to decide whether
> or not to enable/disable this.
> Is there documentation of this in some obvious place that I just missed?
> I did find the text below on the wiki
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml#Update_Handler_Section, but a
> user-friendly translation would be helpful or a pointer to where someone
> could read to determine what this means would be helpful.
> <openSearcher>false</openSearcher> <!-- SOLR 4.0.  Optionally don't open a 
> searcher on hard commit.  This is useful to minimize the size of transaction 
> logs that keep track of uncommitted updates. -->
> I did see that several new Solr 4 users created very large logs before
> they asked the mailing list how to avoid this:
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Documentation-on-the-new-updateLog-transaction-log-feature-tc4000537.html#a4000538
> Perhaps some of the information in this thread on the mailing list might
> be added to the documentation somewhere.
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Testing-Solr4-first-impressions-and-problems-tc4013628.html#a4013814
> I think I almost understand the
> hard-commit/soft-commit/autocommit/opensearcher discussion in the above
> thread and it would seem that this could be put in the wiki or the comments
> in the config file as appropriate.
> Should I open a JIRA issue?
> Tom
> ----
> Log entry.
> "Jan 14, 2013 12:40:31 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher <init>
> INFO: Opening Searcher@59db9f45 main

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