See the discussion around SOLR-4632. But the gist is that there are
various paths in Solr that are only taken when running in the test
harness. In CoreContainer, there's this declaration:

private volatile ConfigSolr cfg;

and in several places in the code, there is a test for whether cfg ==
null or not. As far as I can tell, this is _only_ encountered when
running unit tests. It just tripped me up because I wrote a unit test
that ran just fine, but failed in the real-world.

In general, I loathe having to have shipping code that has, in effect,
"if this is a test, do one thing else do another", you're then not
really testing anything.

So before I raise a JIRA and/or hack that kind of thing out I wanted
to ask if there's a good reason for the test harness to be invokable
in this mode that anyone recalls.


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