On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: A release candidate is available from:
: http://people.apache.org/~vajda/staging_area/

-1 to releasing the files with the following MD5 checksums...

c84b71c718cee06bff63d5757115aa71  pylucene-4.2.1-0-src.tar.gz
a49300178884804ba9f7438a19732b21  pylucene-4.2.1-0-src.tar.gz.asc
f9d4c51dc4a04fc65d7630c8c8371be5  pylucene-4.2.1-0-src.tar.gz.md5

Problems encountered...

1) pylucene-4.2.1-0-src.tar.gz.md5 is not formated such that it can be
easily verified using "md5sum -c" (refers to "stdin")

Fixed, using md5sum to generate checksum now.

2) NOTICE file does not correctly reflect year of the distribution (2009
instead of 2013)


3) INSTALL and README files that refer to files in "doc/documentation"
however there is no "doc" directory, and the file names refered to
("readme.html" and "install.html") do not exist in any directory.

Removed the reference to the no longer existing docs directory and edited side to no longer refer to now obsolete (and removed) Lucene in Action samples.

4) Attempting to "make" the project resulted in an immediate build failure
w/o a clear indication of what the problem was...

hossman@frisbee:~/tmp/pylucene_4_2_1_rc/pylucene-4.2.1-0$ make
cd lucene-java-4.2.1/lucene; ( ivy-fail ||  ivy-bootstrap)
/bin/sh: 1: ivy-fail: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ivy-bootstrap: not found
make: *** [ivy] Error 127

(based on the install.html from the pylucene website, i'm guessing this is
related to not manually editing the Makefile, or specifying some mandatory
variables to 'make' on the commandline, but it seems wrong not to have a
more straight forward error here if that is what's required.)

Fixed by adding error messages complaining about the missing env var(s).


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