Thanks everyone. I'm very excited to join you all.

I don't know how brief this is, but here's a bit about me:

I discovered Solr through my work at LucidWorks. I've had a few
different roles there, but most recently I've been "the tech writer".
The Solr Reference Guide became part of the stuff I work on and I had
to learn Solr. I like to figure as much out on my own as I can, so to
learn I tried things out, I read the Jira issues, I tried to interpret
the Javadocs (sometimes following the trail deep into darkness and
getting it wrong). It's the same way many people passionate about Solr
get started, I think - we had a job to do, in one way or another, and
that's how we learned.

I'm technical but not a developer (I think the last real program I
wrote was in computer camp for girls in 1984, where we wrote Basic in
the morning and Jazzercized in the afternoon), but even though I don't
write code, I can understand very technical concepts and can sometimes
read code. I'm a librarian, so I spend time thinking about how to
organize information. As an undergrad I got a BA in creative writing,
and tech writing has become a really lovely pairing of two skills and

What else? I grew up in New Hampshire and after school, I moved to
Boston and at some point I decided that a) I wanted to work "on the
internet" and b) the best way to do that was to get an MS in Library
Science. It sounds sort of random, now, but that's what I did.

A couple years ago I left Boston and now live in Northwest Florida
(vaguely halfway between Pensacola and Tallahassee), only a couple
miles from the beach. Until that point, I (loudly and often) vowed I
would never live in Florida. But it turns out that I really love being
able to go to the beach every day of the year, and on my second day in
town I met my boyfriend and we're now sort of officially engaged. So,
even though right now it's hotter-than-Hades and
wetter-than-sunken-Atlantis, I stay.

Lastly, in my spare time, I make mosaic art. I still have more ideas
than pieces, but I'm getting there. Eventually I'll get some photos of
my stuff online for all to see.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Robert Muir <> wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce that Cassandra Targett has accepted to join our
> ranks as a committer.
> Cassandra worked on the donation of the new Solr Reference Guide [1] and
> getting things in order for its first official release [2].
> Cassandra, it is tradition that you introduce yourself with a brief bio.
> Welcome!
> P.S. As soon as your SVN access is setup, you should then be able to add
> yourself to the committers list on the website as well.
> [1]
> [2]

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