  I realize that we should be consuming all tokens from a stream.  I'd like to 
wrap a client's Analyzer with LimitTokenCountAnalyzer with consume=false. For 
the analyzers that I've used, this has caused no problems.  When I use 
MockTokenizer, I run into this assertion error: "end() called before 
incrementToken()".  The comment in MockTokenizer reads:

    // some tokenizers, such as limiting tokenizers, call end() before 
incrementToken() returns false.
    // these tests should disable this check (in general you should consume the 
entire stream)

 Disabling assertions gives me pause as does disobeying the workflow 
(  I assume from the 
warnings that there are Analyzers and use cases that will fail unless the 
stream is entirely consumed.

  Is there a safe way to wrap a client Analyzer and only read x number of 
tokens?  Should I allow the client to decide whether or not to consume?

  Thank you!



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