Github user fmcquillan99 commented on the issue:
    Started testing, some early observations:
    class_size default should be ‘uniform’, it seems to be set to 
‘undersample’ currently
    SELECT madlib.balance_sample(
                                  'flags',             -- Source table
                                  'output_table',      -- Output table
                                  'mainhue',           -- Class column
                                  'red=7, blue=7');    -- Want 7 reds and 7 
    results in an error, not sure why it does not like this class size:
    InternalError: (psycopg2.InternalError) plpy.Error: Sample: Invalid class 
size (red=7, blue=7)! (plpython.c:4648)
    CONTEXT:  Traceback (most recent call last):
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 23, in <module>
        return balance_sample.balance_sample(**globals())
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 62, in balance_sample
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 851, in _validate_strs
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 77, in _assert
    PL/Python function "balance_sample"
     [SQL: "SELECT madlib.balance_sample(\n                              
'flags',             -- Source table\n                              
'output_table',      -- Output table\n                              'mainhue',  
         -- Class column\n                              'red=7, blue=7');    -- 
Want 7 reds and 7 blues"]
    SELECT madlib.balance_sample(
                                  'flags',             -- Source table
                                  'output_table',      -- Output table
                                  'mainhue',           -- Class column
                                  'red=.25',           -- Want 25% red flags
                                   20);                -- Desire output table 
    results in an error, not sure why it does not like this class size:
    InternalError: (psycopg2.InternalError) plpy.Error: Sample: Invalid class 
size (red=.25)! (plpython.c:4648)
    CONTEXT:  Traceback (most recent call last):
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 23, in <module>
        return balance_sample.balance_sample(**globals())
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 62, in balance_sample
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 851, in _validate_strs
      PL/Python function "balance_sample", line 77, in _assert
    PL/Python function "balance_sample"
     [SQL: "SELECT madlib.balance_sample(\n                              
'flags',             -- Source table\n                              
'output_table',      -- Output table\n                              'mainhue',  
         -- Class column\n                              'red=.25',           -- 
Want 25%% red flags\n                               20);                -- 
Desire output table size"]


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