Github user njayaram2 commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: src/ports/postgres/modules/convex/test/mlp.sql_in --- @@ -1096,3 +1096,58 @@ FROM JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = 'lin_housing_wi_batch_standardization' AND c.relkind='r' AND nspname=current_schema(); + +-- Test special characters both in column name and column values +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS iris_data_special_char; +CREATE TABLE iris_data_special_char( + id serial, + "rinÐ!#'gs" numeric[], + "se''x" varchar, + class integer, + state varchar +); +INSERT INTO iris_data_special_char VALUES +(1,ARRAY[5.0,3.2,1.2,0.2],'M''M',1,'Alaska'), --- End diff -- If you change `'M''M'` -> `'M''M,'`, the test will fail. This is because the delimiter used internally in the code is `,,,`, and any string that ends with a `,` will break it.