Github user mktal commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/ports/postgres/modules/stats/pred_metrics.py_in ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
    +# coding=utf-8
    +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    +# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    +# distributed with this work for additional information
    +# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    +# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    +# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    +# specific language governing permissions and limitations
    +# under the License.
    +# Prediction Metrics
    +# This module provides a set of prediction accuracy metrics. It is a 
    +# module for several machine learning algorithms that require metrics to
    +# validate their models. A typical function will take a set of 
"prediction" and
    +# "observation" values to calculate the desired metric, unless noted 
    +# Grouping is supported by all of these functions (except confusion 
    +# Please refer to the pred_metrics.sql_in file for the documentation
    +import plpy
    +from utilities.validate_args import input_tbl_valid, output_tbl_valid, 
    +from utilities.utilities import _assert
    +from utilities.utilities import split_quoted_delimited_str
    +def _validate_args(table_in, table_out, validate_cols):
    +    input_tbl_valid(table_in, "Prediction Metrics")
    +    output_tbl_valid(table_out, "Prediction Metrics")
    +    is_var_valid(table_in, ', '.join(validate_cols))
    +def _parse_grp_col_str(grp_col_str):
    +    group_set = set(split_quoted_delimited_str(grp_col_str))
    +    return list(group_set)
    +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    +def _create_output_table(table_in, table_out, agg_fun, agg_name, 
    +    """ Create an output table with optional groups
    +    General template function that builds an output table with grouping 
    +    applying an aggregate function.
    +    Args:
    +        @param agg_fun: str, SQL aggregate to be executed
    +        @param grp_cols: str, Comma-separated list of column names
    +    """
    +    grp_cols = _parse_grp_col_str(grp_col_str)
    +    _validate_args(table_in, table_out, grp_cols)
    +    if not grp_cols:
    +        grp_by_str = grp_out_str = ""
    +    else:
    +        grp_by_str = "GROUP BY " + grp_col_str
    +        grp_out_str = grp_col_str + ", "
    +    plpy.execute("""
    +                 CREATE TABLE {table_out} AS
    +                 SELECT
    +                    {grp_out_str}
    +                    {agg_fun} AS {agg_name}
    +                 FROM {table_in}
    +                 {grp_by_str}
    +                 """.format(**locals()))
    +# Mean Absolute Error.
    +def mean_abs_error(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, grp_cols=None):
    +    mean_abs_agg = "AVG(ABS({0} - {1}))".format(pred_col, obs_col)
    +    _create_output_table(table_in, table_out, mean_abs_agg, 
"mean_abs_error", grp_cols)
    +# Mean Absolute Percentage Error.
    +def mean_abs_perc_error(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, 
    +    mean_abs_perc_agg = "AVG(ABS({0} - {1})/NULLIF({1}, 
0))".format(pred_col, obs_col)
    +    _create_output_table(table_in, table_out, mean_abs_perc_agg, 
"mean_abs_perc_error", grp_cols)
    +# Mean Percentage Error.
    +def mean_perc_error(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, grp_cols=None):
    +    mean_perc_agg = "AVG(({0} - {1})/NULLIF({1}, 0))".format(pred_col, 
    +    _create_output_table(table_in, table_out, mean_perc_agg, 
"mean_perc_error", grp_cols)
    +# Mean Squared Error.
    +def mean_squared_error(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, 
    +    mean_sq_agg = "AVG(({0} - {1})^2)".format(pred_col, obs_col)
    +    _create_output_table(table_in, table_out, mean_sq_agg, 
"mean_squared_error", grp_cols)
    +def metric_agg_help_msg(schema_madlib, message, agg_name, **kwargs):
    +    if not message:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        SUMMARY
    +Functionality: Evaluate prediction results using metric functions.
    +This module provides a set of prediction accuracy metrics. It is a support
    +module for several machine learning algorithms that require metrics to 
    +their models. The function will take "prediction" and "observation" values 
    +calculate the desired metric. Grouping is supported by all of these 
    +    """
    +    elif message.lower().strip() in ['usage', 'help', '?']:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        USAGE
    +SELECT {schema_madlib}.{agg_name}(
    +    'table_in',     -- Name of the input table
    +    'table_out',    -- Table name to store the metric results
    +    'pred_col',     -- Column name containing prediction results
    +    'obs_col',      -- Column name containing observed (actual) values
    +    'grouping_cols' -- Comma-separated list of columns to use as group-by
    +    """
    +    else:
    +        help_string = "No such option. Use 
    +    return help_string.format(**locals())
    +def _get_r2_score_sql(table_in, pred_col, obs_col, grp_col_str=None):
    +    """ Generate the SQL query to compute r2 score.
    +    This function abstracts the SQL to calculate r2 score from actually 
    +    the output table. This allows reusing the query for adjusted r2 
    +    Args:
    +        @param table_in: str, Input table name containing the data
    +        @param pred_col: str, Column name containing the predictions
    +        @param obs_col: str, Column name containing the actual observed 
    +        @param grp_col_str: str, Comma-separated list of columns to group 
    +    Definition:
    +        r2 = 1 - SS_res / SS_tot
    +        where SS_res = sum (pred - obs)^2
    +              SS_tot = sum (obs - mean)^2
    +    """
    +    if grp_col_str:
    +        grp_out_str = grp_col_str + ","
    +        grp_by_str = "GROUP BY " + grp_col_str
    +        partition_str = "PARTITION BY " + grp_col_str
    +    else:
    +        grp_out_str = grp_by_str = partition_str = ""
    +    return """
    +            SELECT {grp_out_str}
    +                1 - ssres/sstot AS r2_score
    +            FROM (
    +                SELECT {grp_out_str}
    +                       sum(({obs_col} - mean)^2) as sstot,
    +                       sum(({pred_col} - {obs_col})^2) AS ssres
    +                FROM(
    +                    SELECT {grp_out_str}
    +                           {pred_col}, {obs_col},
    +                           avg({obs_col}) OVER ({partition_str}) as mean
    +                    FROM {table_in}
    +                ) x {grp_by_str}
    +            ) y
    +        """.format(**locals())
    +def r2_score(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, grp_col_str=None):
    +    grp_cols = _parse_grp_col_str(grp_col_str)
    +    _validate_args(table_in, table_out, grp_cols + [pred_col, obs_col])
    +    plpy.execute("""
    +        CREATE TABLE {table_out} AS
    +        {r2_score_sql}
    +        """.format(table_out=table_out,
    +                   r2_score_sql=_get_r2_score_sql(table_in, pred_col, 
    +                                                  grp_col_str)))
    +def r2_score_help(schema_madlib, message, **kwargs):
    +    if not message:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        SUMMARY
    +Functionality: Compute coefficient of determination
    +This function returns the coefficient of determination (R2) between the
    +predicted and observed values. An R2 of 1 indicates that the regression 
    +perfectly fits the data, while an R2 of 0 indicates that the line does not 
    +the data at all. Negative values of R2 may occur when fitting non-linear
    +functions to data.
    +    """
    +    elif message.lower().strip() in ['usage', 'help', '?']:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        USAGE
    +SELECT {schema_madlib}.r2_score(
    +    'table_in',     -- Name of the input table
    +    'table_out',    -- Table name to store the metric results
    +    'pred_col',     -- Column name containing prediction results
    +    'obs_col',      -- Column name containing observed (actual) values
    +    'grouping_cols' -- Comma-separated list of columns to use as group-by
    +    """
    +    else:
    +        help_string = "No such option. Use 
    +    return help_string.format(**locals())
    +def adjusted_r2_score(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col,
    +                      n_predictors, train_size, grp_col_str):
    +    """ Compute the adjusted r2 score
    +    Args:
    +        @param table_in: str, Input table name containing the data
    +        @param pred_col: str, Column name containing the predictions
    +        @param obs_col: str, Column name containing the actual observed 
    +        @param grp_col_str: str, Comma-separated list of columns to group 
    +    Definition:
    +        adj_r2 = 1 - (1 - r2) * (n - 1) / (n - p)
    +        where n = degrees of freedom
    +              p = number of explanatory variables
    +    """
    +    grp_cols = _parse_grp_col_str(grp_col_str)
    +    _validate_args(table_in, table_out, grp_cols + [pred_col, obs_col])
    +    plpy.execute("""
    +        CREATE TABLE {table_out} AS
    +        SELECT *,
    +               1 - ( ((1- r2_score) * ({train_size} -1)) /
    +                     ({train_size} - {n_predictors} - 1)
    +                    ) AS adjusted_r2_score
    +        FROM (
    +            {r2_score_sql}
    +        )z
    +        """.format(r2_score_sql=_get_r2_score_sql(table_in, pred_col, 
obs_col, grp_col_str),
    +                   **locals()))
    +def adjusted_r2_score_help(schema_madlib, message, **kwargs):
    +    if not message:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        SUMMARY
    +Functionality: Compute coefficient of determination (with adjustment for 
number of predictors)
    +This function returns the adjusted R2 score. Adjusted R2 score is used to
    +counter the problem of the R2 automatically increasing when extra 
    +variables are added to the model. It takes additional two integers 
    +the degrees of freedom of the model and the size of the training set over 
    +it was developed, and returning the adjusted R-squared prediction accuracy
    +    """
    +    elif message.lower().strip() in ['usage', 'help', '?']:
    +        help_string = """
    +                        USAGE
    +SELECT {schema_madlib}.adjusted_r2_score(
    +    'table_in',        -- Name of the input table
    +    'table_out',       -- Table name to store the metric results
    +    'pred_col',        -- Column name containing prediction results
    +    'obs_col',         -- Column name containing observed (actual) values
    +    'num_predictors',  -- Number of predictors (features) used in the model
    +    'training_size',   -- Size of the training data
    +    'grouping_cols'    -- Comma-separated list of columns to use as 
    +    """
    +    else:
    +        help_string = "No such option. Use 
    +    return help_string.format(**locals())
    +def binary_classifier(table_in, table_out, pred_col, obs_col, 
    +    """ Get multiple metrics useful for evaluating binary classifiers.
    +    The 'obs_col' column in 'table_in' is assumed to be a int/float column 
    +    two level: 0 and 1, 1 is considered positive and 0 is negative.
    +    The 'pred_col' is assumed to be a float column that gives the 
probability of
    +    the prediction being positive.
    +    """
    +    grp_cols = _parse_grp_col_str(grp_col_str)
    +    _validate_args(table_in, table_out, grp_cols + [pred_col, obs_col])
    +    obs_levels = [i['c'] for i in
    +                  plpy.execute("SELECT {0} as c FROM {1} GROUP BY {0} 
ORDER BY {0}".
    +                               format(obs_col, table_in))
    +                  ]
    +    _assert(obs_levels == [0, 1], "Prediction metrics: Observed levels 
should be 0 and 1")
    +    if grp_col_str:
    +        grp_str = grp_col_str + ","
    +        partition_str = "PARTITION BY " + grp_col_str
    +    else:
    +        grp_str = partition_str = ""
    +    sql_st = """
    +        CREATE TABLE {table_out} AS
    +        SELECT *,
    +            tp::float8 / NULLIF(tp + fn, 0) AS tpr,
    +            tn::float8 / NULLIF(fp + tn, 0) AS tnr,
    +            tp::float8 / NULLIF(tp + fp, 0) AS ppv,
    +            tn::float8 / NULLIF(tn + fn, 0) AS npv,
    +            fp::float8 / NULLIF(fp + tn, 0) AS fpr,
    +            fp::float8 / NULLIF(fp + tp, 0) AS fdr,
    +            fn::float8 / NULLIF(fn + tp, 0) AS fnr,
    +            (tp + tn)::float8 / NULLIF(tp + tn + fp + fn, 0) AS acc,
    +            tp * 2.0 / NULLIF(2.0 * tp + fp + fn, 0) AS f1
    +        FROM (
    +            SELECT
    +                {grp_str}
    +                threshold,
    +                sum(t) OVER ({partition_str} ORDER BY threshold DESC) AS 
    +                sum(f) OVER ({partition_str} ORDER BY threshold DESC) AS 
    +                sum(t) OVER ({partition_str}) -
    +                    sum(t) OVER ({partition_str} ORDER BY threshold DESC) 
AS fn,
    +                sum(f) OVER ({partition_str}) -
    +                    sum(f) OVER ({partition_str} ORDER BY threshold DESC) 
AS tn
    --- End diff --
    I suggest defining the window in the query's WINDOW clause, e.g., `WINDOW w 
AS ({partition_str} ORDER BY threshold DESC)` and just reference it in the 
query, e.g., `sum(t) over w AS tp`. 

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