
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Lambertus <>
Date: Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Github's disappearing mirrors
To: committers <>

Hello committers,

We have received quite a few reports of github mirrors gone missing. We’ve
tracked this down to an errant process at Github which appears to be
not only ours but also other orgs’ mirrors. We contacted Github but have
yet to
receive a reply. Another organization also contacted github and received the
following reply:

"Hi there, Sorry for the trouble! We've now had a couple of reports of this
problem, and we've opened an issue internally to investigate.  I don't have
ETA on a fix, but we'll be in touch if we need more information from you or
we have any information to share.  Regards, Laura GitHub Support”

We have no further information at this time. We have been restoring the
wherever possible, but until the root cause is resolved on Github’s side, we
expect mirrors to continue to be erroneously removed.

Access to the repos via the usual channel
remains functional.

ASF Infra

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