Hello MADlib community,

As you may know, the MADlib project is proceeding towards TLP status
and was on the agenda at the 6/21/17 ASF board meeting. At that meeting
the board tabled (postponed) voting on the MADlib graduation resolution.

Mark and John (copied) from the ASF sent the MADlib PMC
some information regarding the postponement, and I would like to
briefly summarize the current status with you:

If I may quote Mark directly:

“The MADlib graduation resolution triggered some discussion on board@
that started when it was pointed out that the registered MADlib marks
had not yet been transferred to the ASF. During that discussion, IPMC
members expressed differing views on whether MADlib should graduate or
not because of the missing trademark assignment.”

I know that the current owner of the MADlib trademark (Pivotal)
is currently working with the ASF to transfer the trademarks,
and we are hoping that this can be achieved with minimum delay.
Here is the related JIRA

Also, Mark also took the time to review the MADlib archives,
to see if there were any indications that MADlib would benefit from
remaining longer in the incubator. This includes the licensing
described here

He reported:

“I’ve looked through the archives and nothing jumped out at me as
“I don't see anything in the licensing situation that should prevent

Hopefully I have represented the current status correctly, but I
have copied Mark and John on this thread in the case they would like
to add/correct anything.

We will keep you posted as we learn more.  In the interim, we will
continue to work hard on the upcoming 1.12 release and look forward to
more great tech coming out of this project.


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