Github user rashmi815 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/ports/postgres/modules/graph/bfs.py_in ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
    +# coding=utf-8
    +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    +# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    +# distributed with this work for additional information
    +# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    +# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    +# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    +# specific language governing permissions and limitations
    +# under the License.
    +# Breadth-First Search
    +# Please refer to the bfs.sql_in file for the documentation
    +@file bfs.py_in
    +@namespace graph
    +import plpy
    +from graph_utils import validate_graph_coding
    +from graph_utils import get_graph_usage
    +from graph_utils import _grp_null_checks
    +from utilities.control import MinWarning
    +from utilities.utilities import _assert
    +from utilities.utilities import extract_keyvalue_params
    +from utilities.utilities import split_quoted_delimited_str
    +from utilities.validate_args import table_exists
    +from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
    +m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
    +def _validate_bfs(vertex_table, vertex_id, edge_table, edge_params,
    +    source_vertex, out_table, max_distance, directed, grouping_cols_list, 
    +    validate_graph_coding(vertex_table, vertex_id, edge_table, edge_params,
    +        out_table,'BFS')
    +    _assert((max_distance >= 0) and isinstance(max_distance,int),
    +        """Graph BFS: Invalid max_distance type or value ({0}), must be 
    +        be greater than or equal to 0 and be less than max allowable 
    +        (2147483647).""".
    +        format(max_distance))
    +    _assert(isinstance(directed,bool),
    +        """Graph BFS: Invalid value for directed ({0}), must be 
    +        format(directed))
    +    _assert(isinstance(source_vertex,int),
    +        """Graph BFS: Source vertex {source_vertex} has to be an 
    +        format(**locals()))
    +    src_exists = plpy.execute("""
    +        SELECT * FROM {vertex_table} WHERE {vertex_id}={source_vertex}
    +        """.format(**locals()))
    +    if src_exists.nrows() == 0:
    +        plpy.error(
    +            """Graph BFS: Source vertex {source_vertex} is not present in 
    +            vertex table {vertex_table}.""".
    +            format(**locals()))
    +    vt_error = plpy.execute(
    +        """ SELECT {vertex_id}
    +            FROM {vertex_table}
    +            WHERE {vertex_id} IS NOT NULL
    +            GROUP BY {vertex_id}
    +            HAVING count(*) > 1 """.format(**locals()))
    +    if vt_error.nrows() != 0:
    +        plpy.error(
    +            """Graph BFS: Source vertex table {vertex_table} contains 
    +            vertex id's.""".
    +            format(**locals()))
    +    _assert(not table_exists(out_table+"_summary"),
    +        "Graph BFS: Output summary table already exists!")
    +    if grouping_cols_list is not None:
    +        _assert(columns_exist_in_table(edge_table, grouping_cols_list),
    +            """Graph BFS: Not all columns from {grouping_cols_list} are 
    +            in edge table ({edge_table}).""".
    +            format(**locals()))
    +    return None
    +def graph_bfs(schema_madlib, vertex_table, vertex_id, edge_table,
    +        edge_args, source_vertex, out_table, max_distance, directed, 
    +        **kwargs):
    +    """
    +    Breadth First Search algorithm for graphs [1].
    +    Args:
    +        @param vertex_table    Name of the table that contains the vertex 
    +        @param vertex_id       Name of the column containing the vertex 
    +        @param edge_table      Name of the table that contains the edge 
    +        @param edge_args       A comma-delimited string containing multiple
    +                               named arguments of the form "name=value".
    +        @param source_vertex   The source vertex id for the algorithm to 
    +        @param out_table       Name of the table to store the result of 
    +        @param max_distance    Maximum distance from the source_vertex to 
search for.
    +        @param directed        Graph will be treated as directed if this 
boolean flag 
    +                               is set to TRUE. Graph is treated as 
undirected by default.
    +        @param grouping_cols   The list of grouping columns.
    +    [1]
    +    """
    +    with MinWarning("warning"):
    +        INT_MAX = 2147483647
    +        params_types = {'src': str, 'dest': str}
    +        default_args = {'src': 'src', 'dest': 'dest'}
    +        edge_params = extract_keyvalue_params(edge_args,
    +                                            params_types,
    +                                            default_args)
    +        # Prepare the input for recording in the summary table
    +        if vertex_id is None:
    +            v_st= "NULL"
    +            vertex_id = "id"
    +        else:
    +            v_st = vertex_id
    +        if edge_args is None:
    +            e_st = "NULL"
    +        else:
    +            e_st = edge_args
    +        if max_distance is None:
    +            d_st= "NULL"
    +            max_distance = INT_MAX
    +        else:
    +            d_st = max_distance
    +        if directed is None:
    +            dir_st= "NULL"
    +            directed = False
    +        else:
    +            dir_st = directed
    +        if grouping_cols is None:
    +            g_st = "NULL"
    +            glist = None
    +        else:
    +            g_st = grouping_cols
    +            glist = split_quoted_delimited_str(grouping_cols)
    +        src = edge_params["src"]
    +        dest = edge_params["dest"]
    +        distribution = m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!''!>,
    +            <!"DISTRIBUTED BY ({0})".format(vertex_id)!>)
    +        local_distribution = m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!''!>,
    +            <!"DISTRIBUTED BY (id)"!>)
    +        _validate_bfs(vertex_table, vertex_id, edge_table,
    +            edge_params, source_vertex, out_table, max_distance, directed, 
    +        # Initialize grouping related variables
    +        grp_comma = ""
    +        and_grp_null_checks = ""
    +        if grouping_cols is not None:
    +            grp_comma = grouping_cols + ", "
    +            and_grp_null_checks = " AND " + _grp_null_checks(glist)
    +        # We keep a table of every vertex, the distance to that vertex 
from source
    +        # and the parent in the path to the vertex
    +        # This table will be updated throughout the execution.
    +        dist_col = "dist"
    +        parent_col = "parent"
    +        curr_dist_val = 0
    +        # Creating the output table with the appropriate columns and data 
    +        plpy.execute("""
    +            CREATE TABLE {out_table} AS ( 
    +                SELECT
    +                    {grp_comma} 
    +                    {src} AS {vertex_id}, 
    +                    {curr_dist_val}::INT AS {dist_col},
    +                    {src} AS {parent_col}
    +                FROM {edge_table} 
    +                LIMIT 0
    +            ) {distribution}""".format(**locals()))
    --- End diff --
    Good point.

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