
I have directory of documents from which I have generated Sequence file
using SequenceFilesFromDirectory and then converted it into vectors

Now referring below link to  generate a list of most similar documents 




How can I use RowSimilarityJob to generate list of similar documents  .



 * <li>-Dmapred.input.dir=(path): Directory containing a {...@link
DistributedRowMatrix} as a

 * SequenceFile<IntWritable,VectorWritable></li>

 * <li>-Dmapred.output.dir=(path): output path where the computations output
should go (a {...@link DistributedRowMatrix}

 * stored as a SequenceFile<IntWritable,VectorWritable>)</li>

 * <li>--numberOfColumns: the number of columns in the input matrix</li>

 * <li>--similarityClassname (classname): an implementation of {...@link
DistributedVectorSimilarity} used to compute the

 * similarity</li>

 * <li>--maxSimilaritiesPerRow (integer): cap the number of similar rows per
row to this number (100)</li>

 * </ol>



Which argument should I pass numberOfColumns and similarityClassname ?





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