
During the summer of 2008, I used Mahout for a school project on text
classification. I really enjoyed experience. I graduated at the
beginning of 2009 and I wasn't able to contribute to Mahout while
starting my new job. However, I now feel that I have more time and I
would like to contribute. My main reason for contributing would be to
participate in a software effort outside my regular day job. I would
like to see and work with code, designs and methodology of another
group, I feel that it would help me become a better developer.

What should I do first?

I was not bad at theoretical ML a few years back (while in school),
however, I am afraid that most of it is gone. I am sure that I will be
able to learn it back, but I would like to start with something that
is not to math oriented.

I guess adding test coverage would be a start.

Any idea?


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