Ordering matters less than labeling.

And another way to put it is that the affinity or distance matrix A should
have the same labels on the rows AND on the columns as were on the rows of
the original matrix.  Thus, the labels on the rows of Q should be the same
as the original labels.

Forming Q' A Q (not QAQ', btw) only gives us the diagonalized form of A
which is just the affinity matrix of the eigen-representations.  That isn't
all that interesting.

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Shannon Quinn <squ...@gatech.edu> wrote:

> Problem is, I'm not sure if the Lanczos solver or K-Means preserve this
> ordering of indices. Does the nth point with label y from the result of
> K-means correspond to the nth row of the column matrix of eigenvectors?

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