Other than opening the code and looking, is there a way we register our phases such that one could, via the command line, know what they are? For instance, I think, for now, I can skip, in my application, the first two phases of the RecommenderJob, but it seems a bit awkward to say --startPhase 2 given that at some point in a new release a new phase could be added in and I would then have to go check the code. Not the end of the world, but it seems error prone and not readily maintainable. I suppose as a bonus, it would be nice if one could also know where each phase expects things to be and in what format. Would it make sense to have the equivalent of prepareJob that does registerJob up front and can then be dumped out so that one could see the phases and their inputs, etc?
-Grant -------------------------------------------- Grant Ingersoll http://www.lucidimagination.com Lucene Eurocon 2011: http://www.lucene-eurocon.com