On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > Why would the caller care? It's all random numbers, whether "reset" or
> > not.
> >
> The care is about determinism.

Completely agree, it's the tests that care, not the caller itself.

> If the RandUtils notes that the current thread stated we are in test mode
> before asking for a random number generator then it can return a random
> generator with the test seed.  Otherwise, it can return a more robustly
> seeded generator.  The generators in separate test threads are independent
> objects with independent state.
Just noting the thread is in test mode doesn't do the trick -- the code
already does what you describe.

Are you talking about ThreadLocal? That is nearly the solution, though it
still involves static members. The performance overhead of using
ThreadLocal is probably quite small here, no problem. It does still need
code surgery, as any Random potentially needs to be ThreadLocal<Random>
unless you can know it is never shared. And any computation resulting from
these can not be shared, likewise, or else the result changes in
potentially nondeterministic ways in the presence of multiple threads. The
knock-on effect is, I would guess, significant.

In this regard I think it's the same challenge you get without ThreadLocal,
but at least it gives you a way to share a Random across objects without
having to share it across threads. I do agree this is all possible in
principle, just not in practice, here. My guess is that there will be some
shared state that just can't be un-shared without a lot of work, or so much
more change (many more ThreadLocals) that it is unpalatable. And of course,
it just takes one new bit of code not doing this all right to make tests
non-deterministic again -- you can police it but even "new Random()" is
being written in new code today

My guess is this is "virtually impossible" but that is just a guess --
brave souls welcome to try a patch after noting the above and see how it

It *seems* so much more like a test issue to me, solvable in the test
harness, and in a clear way: just split tests n ways across n JVMs instead
of 1 JVM with n threads. No (further) reliance on code being exactly well
behaved. It's just we don't have a one-liner to do that. Compared with
seasoning the code with ThreadLocal, and its associated small overhead, and
all the work to do that surgery, just feels very much like the hard way to
solve this.

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