Check out Mikio's presentation, which mentions JNI overhead, at

I agree and it's kind of unavoidable. But copying N^2 data for an
operation that's more like N^3 operation seems fine in theory. N still
needs to be large enough. And yes that point has been strangely high.

Here I think the combination of more suitable LAPACK routine, and
largeish but reasonable N (>100) makes it a win.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Dmitriy Lyubimov <> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2013 3:49 AM, "Sean Owen" <> wrote:
>> Hey Mikio I posted the stack trace on the jblas-users list FYI. It
>> happens on a random 100x100 matrix, for example -- but not every time.
> I suspect that is due to jni calls being incredibky costly compared to fpu
> ops. I see very similar behavior i my calls from R to java and back. And r
> calls lapack too for certain things.

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