I have a JBlas version of our ALS solving code lying around [1], feel
free to use it. Would also be interested to see the Spark port.



On 19.06.2013 12:50, Nick Pentreath wrote:
> Hi Dmitriy
> I'd be interested to look at helping with this potentially (time
> permitting).
> I've recently been working on a port of Mahout's ALS implementation to
> Spark. I spent a bit of time thinking about how much of mahout-math to use.
> For now I found that using the Breeze linear algebra library I could get
> what I needed, ie DenseVector, SparseVector, DenseMatrix, all with
> in-memory multiply and solve that is backed by JBLAS (so very quick if you
> have the native libraries active). It comes with very nice "Matlab-like"
> syntax in Scala. So it ended up being a bit of a rewrite rather than a port
> of the Mahout code.
> The sparse matrix support is however a bit... well, sparse :) There is a
> CSC matrix and some operations but Sparse SVD is not there, and the solvers
> I think are not there just yet (in-core).
> But of course the linear algebra objects are not easily usable from Java
> due to the syntax and the heavy use of implicits. So for a fully functional
> Java API version that can use the vectors/matrices directly, the options
> would be to create a Java bridge to the Breeze vectors/matrices, or to
> instead look at using mahout-math to drive the linear algebra. In that case
> the Scala syntax would not be as nice, but some sugar can be added again
> using implicits for common operations (I've tested this a bit and it can
> work and probably be made reasonably efficient if copies are avoided in the
> implicit conversion).
> Anyway, I'd be happy to offer assistance.
> Nick
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Sebastian Schelter <s...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Let us know how I went, I'm pretty interested to see how well our stuff
>> integrates with Spark, especially since Spark is in the process of
>> joining Apache.
>> -sebastian
>> On 19.06.2013 03:14, Dmitriy Lyubimov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> so i finally got around to actually do it.
>>> I want to get Mahout sparse vectors and matrices (DRMs) and rebuild some
>>> solvers using spark and Bagel /scala.
>>> I also want to use in-core solvers that run directly on Mahout.
>>> Question #1: which mahout artifacts are better be imported if I don't
>> want
>>> to pick the hadoop stuff dependencies? Is there even such a separation of
>>> code? I know mahout-math seems to try to avoid being hadoop specfic but
>> not
>>> sure if it is followed strictly.
>>> Question #2: which in-core solvers are available for Mahout matrices? I
>>> know there's SSVD, probably Cholesky, is there something else? In
>>> paticular, i need to be solving linear systems, I guess Cholesky should
>> be
>>> equipped enough to do just that?
>>> Question #3: why did we try to import Colt solvers rather than actually
>>> depend on Colt in the first place? Why did we not accept Colt's sparse
>>> matrices and created native ones instead?
>>> Colt seems to have a notion of parse in-core matrices too and seems like
>> a
>>> well-rounded solution. However, it doesn't seem like being actively
>>> supported, whereas I know Mahout experienced continued enhancements to
>> the
>>> in-core matrix support.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> -Dmitriy

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