I'm super happy to announce that the call for submissions for Berlin
Buzzwords 2013 is open. For those who don't know the conference - in
my "absolutely objective opinion" the event is the most exciting
conference on storing, processing and searching large amounts of
digital data for engineers.

The 5th edition of Berlin Buzzwords will take place on May 25-28,
2014 at Kulturbrauerei Berlin.

Berlin Buzzwords is looking for speakers who submit talks on the
following topics:

* Information Retrieval / Search i.e. Lucene, Solr, katta, ElasticSearch or
comparable solutions

* NoSQL and SQL i.e. CouchDB, MongoDB, Jackrabbit, Hbase and others

* Large Data Processing i.e. Hadoop itself, MapReduce, Cascading, Pig,
Spark and friends

Closely related topics not explicity listed above are welcome as well.

The Call for Submissions will be open until February 9! Be part of
Berlin Buzzwords and submit your session idea. Please register here:

Looking forward to lots of interesting proposals - and looking forward to
meeting all of you in Berlin later this year (did I mention that Berlin
rocks in summer?)


PS: As always, any help with spreading the word is highly welcome.

PS2: One final hint - even though speakers of course get a complimentary
conference pass make sure to still check out our ticket page in
particular if you'd like to bring your children to the conference - we
do provide child day care on a donation basis but need your registration
for capacity planning: http://berlinbuzzwords.de/tickets

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