
Lots of questions from my side here.

@Ted At first a comment about your point that dataflow systems cannot do efficient in-memory mutable storage:

Stratosphere's delta-iterate operator [1] supports iterative dataflows where the solution is held in an in-memory index and updated in every step of the iteration.


I have one big question regarding h2o (maybe SriSatish can help me with that). I haven't been able to find a detailed writeup about the execution model yet, but on first sight it seems like a big aggregation tree to me: Data is partitioned, then operations are conducted independently on the partitions (e.g. gradients are computed) and the outputs are aggregated (e.g. summed up) and sent back to the individual machines. It also seems to support a lightweight version of MapReduce. I think this approach is fine for ML algorithms that can be efficiently formulated by the statistical query model [2]. A lot of other algos like SSVD or Cooccurrence Analysis or graph-based computations are hard to fit into this model however.

So my current impression of h2o is that it is a system specialized for executing a certain kind of computation. At the moment, lots of those have been created, e.g. Tajo/Impala/Drill for SQL on Hadoop, Giraph/Hama for BSP style computations, GraphLab/SystemML for machine learning and so on. I see the future belonging to general dataflow systems like Stratosphere and Spark that can handle all of the listed types of computations in a single system. Maybe they are not as fast, but they can handle complete pipelines much easier.

One idea that I had would be to take h2o's super optimized operators and marry them with a dataflow system. What do people think of that?

[1] http://stratosphere.eu/docs/0.4/programming_guides/iterations.html
[2] http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-vitaly/Kearns93-e.pdf

On 03/13/2014 07:39 AM, Ted Dunning wrote:
There have been several comments here and elsewhere that allude to whether
providing h2o based components would conflict with Spark or other bases for

As I see it, Spark, Stratosphere, Tez and Drill are trying to fix Hadoop's
map-reduce layer in various ways.  This isn't going to fix what is wrong
with numerical computing in Mahout because the problems are different.  To
my mind, the key problems for numerical computing include:

a) efficient, very fine-grained parallelism (think microseconds)

b) efficient in-memory mutable storage

c) no serialization of data between steps

These problems are not even addressed by most data-flow architectures
because they are trying to solve data-flow problems and none of these three
problems are data-flow issues.  In fact, (b) and (c) are simply

In contrast, these that the three core issues that h2o attempts to address.

This is good and wonderful, but it doesn't imply that we can do without
data-flow primitives as well.  Data-flow is a wonderfully apt idiom for
describing variable extraction work and it makes huge sense to have both
good clustered matrix math as well as really good data-flow.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:25 PM, Manoj Awasthi <awasthi.ma...@gmail.com>wrote:

This sounds very exciting and enriching!  Look forward to the developments
on this front.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:16 AM, SriSatish Ambati <srisat...@0xdata.com

We are excited at the possibilities of this convergence.

A fan of Mahout 's vision and how it captured the imagination of machine
learning enthusiasts over the years..
(Still fondly recollect Isabel's spirited talk at ApacheCon years ago!)

We found that a real product, hacker and an open source developer culture
was the need.
The R community has also been looking for a package that solved
frames (in-memory) & parallel packages for the algorithms behind.
Our team has executed on a lots of these inspirations fast & furiously in
open source over the past two years.

We hope to enrich & fulfill the day-to-day workflows of the Machine
Learning users world-wide through this. 0xdata built H2O, which is an
source community inspired by the vision of Google-scale Machine Learning
for the Enterprise using existing APIs like R. H2O has been Apache v2,
https://github.com/0xdata/h2o for quite sometime now.
http://jira.0xdata.com/ Underlying a fine-grain in-memory parallelism
is a
distributed k/v store (non-blocking hashmap) purpose built for doing
quantitative queries at scale while keeping consistency [1]

With help of legendary Scientific Advise from Stanford's Rob Tibshirani,
Trevor Hastie,  Stephen Boyd, a tight-feedback based partnership with
customers and phenomenal distributed systems & math teams [0],  0xdata
built some of the fastest and accurate [4] distributed algorithms
- Generalized Logistic Modeling, Gradient Boosting Machine, Random Forest

For example, our billion row regression takes under 6 seconds on a
cluster! These and other math legos are accessible via R, Java, Python,
JavaScript and Scala. Our R package is headed to CRAN this week & users
drive from an R REPL.  http://docs.0xdata.com/Ruser/Rpackage.html
H2O is also easy to install on or off Hadoop, on or off cloud[3] or on a
laptop. http://docs.0xdata.com/deployment/hadoop.html

We have been brewing an authentic product focused movement of systems,
math, ml and data scientists and spreading the word in meetups -
( http://0xdata.com/h2o-2/community/ )

The vision is that a convergence with the Mahout community would bring
fresh infusion of product & hacker culture needed to potentially make
Mahout NextGen the principal platform for machine learning at scale that
can run in-memory, on Hadoop, or on Spark. This will be part of the
evolution of the Hadoop ecosystem.
And I'd love to get the grass roots excited, energized and have dev,
and founders (Grant & Isabel) corral much needed support and momentum.

Tactically speaking -
Like all software projects, we have to start small & in expansive spirals
to converge at each level given the resources at hand. So a call to
and JIRAs are upcoming.
Our earliest integration is going to be along the lines of getting
artifacts (think mvn) & make the Mahout Matrix API connect over
  - SparseMatrix is a real requirement on the road ahead & simple
to our core Distributed Frame [1] will get us some of the way.

Together we can make this happen.
Thanks, Ted, Ellen and others for introducing us to the community!

Looking forward, Sri

[0] Team H2O http://0xdata.com/about/
[1] http://www.infoq.com/presentations/api-memory-analytics
[2] http://www.slideshare.net/0xdata/
[3] http://docs.0xdata.com/newuser/ec2.html
[4] http://test.0xdata.com

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Andrew Musselman <
andrew.mussel...@gmail.com> wrote:

Sounds like a large positive step; looking forward to hearing more!

On Mar 12, 2014, at 5:44 PM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>

I have been working with a company named 0xdata to help them
some new software to Mahout.  This software will give Mahout the
do highly iterative in-memory mathematical computations on a cluster
or a
single machine. This software also comes with high performance
implementations of k-means, logistic regression, random forest and

I will be starting a thread about this on the dev list shortly, but I
wanted the PMC members to have a short heads up on what has been
now that we have consensus on the 0xdata side of the game.

I think that this has a major potential to bring in an enormous
contributing community to Mahout.  Technically, it will, at a stroke,
Mahout the highest performing machine learning framework around.

*Development Roadmap*

Of the requirements that people have been talking about on the main
list, the following capabilities will be provided by this

1) high performance distributed linear algebra

2) basic machine learning codes including logistic regression, other
linear modeling codes, random forest, clustering

3) standard file format parsing system (CSV, Lucene, parquet, other)
    (continuous, constant, categorical, word-like, text-like)

4) standard web-based basic applications for common operations

5) language bindings (Java, Scala, R, other)

6) interactive + batch use

7) common representation/good abstraction over representation

8) platform diversity, localhost, with/without ( Hadoop, Yarn, Mesos,


I was recently approached by the Sri Satish, CEO and co-founder of
wanted to explore whether they could donate some portion of the h2o
framework and technology to Mahout.  I was skeptical since all that I
previously seen was the application level demos for this system and
at all familiar with the technology underneath. One of the
0xdata, however, is Cliff Click who was one of the co-authors of the
HotSpot compiler.  That alone made the offer worth examining.

Over the last few weeks, the technical team of 0xdata has been
me to work out whether this contribution would be useful to Mahout.

My strong conclusion is that the donation, with some associated shim
that 0xdata is committing to doing will satisfy roughly 80% of the
that have emerged other the last week or so of discussion.  Just as
important, this donation connects Mahout to new communities who are
actively working at the frontiers machine learning which is likely to
inject lots of new blood and excitement into the Mahout community.
has huge potential outside of Mahout itself as well since having a
strong technical infrastructure that we can all use across many
has the potential to have the same sort of impact on machine learning
applications and products that Hadoop has had for file-based parallel
processing.  Coming together on a common platform has the potential
create markets that would otherwise not exist if we don't have this

*Technical Underpinnings*

At the lowest level, the h2o framework provides a way to have named
stored in memory across a cluster in directly computable form.  H2o
provides a very fine-grained parallel execution framework that allows
computation to be moved close to the data while maintaining
efficiency with tasks as small as milliseconds in scale.  Objects
multiple machines and live until they are explicitly deallocated or
the framework is terminated.

Additional machines can join the framework, but data isn't
balanced, nor is it assumed that failures are handled within the
As might be expected given the background of the authors, some pretty
astounding things are done using JVM magic so coding at this lowest
is remarkably congenial.

This framework can be deployed as a map-only Hadoop program, or as a
of independent programs which borg together as they come up.
it is trivial to start a single node framework as well for easy
and testing.

On top of this lowest level, there are math libraries which implement
operations as well as a variety of machine learning algorithms.
high quality implementations of a variety of machine learning
generalized linear modeling with binomial logistic regression and
regularization, linear regression, neural networks, random forests
There are also parsing codes which will load formatted data in
persistency layers such as HDFS or conventional files.

At the level of these learning programs, there are web interfaces
data elements in the framework to be created, managed and deleted.

There is also an R binding for h2o which allows programs to access
manage h2o objects.  Functions defined in an R-like language can be
in parallel to
data frames stored in the h2o framework.

*Proposed Developer User Experience*

I see several kinds of users.  These include numerical developers
mathematicians), Java or Scala developers (like current Mahout devs),

- Local h2o single-node cluster
- Temporary h2o cluster
- Shared h2o cluster

All of these modes will be facilitated by the proposed development.

*Complementarity with Other Platforms*

I view h2o as complementary with Hadoop and Spark because it
provides a
solid in-memory execution engine as opposed to a general out-of-core
computation model that other map-reduce engines like Hadoop and Spark
implement or more general dataflow systems like Stratosphere, Tez or

Also, h2o provides no persistence but depends on other systems for
such as NFS, HDFS, NAS or MapR.

H2o is also nicely complimentary to R in that R can invoke operations
move data to and from h2o very easily.

*Required Additional Work*

Sparse matrices
Linear algebra bindings
Class-file magic to allow off-the-cuff function definitions

ceo & co-founder, 0 <http://www.0xdata.com/>*x*data Inc

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