On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Pat Ferrel <p...@occamsmachete.com> wrote:

> If so you would need something like 4 things with random accesss/in memory
> speed
> 1&2) frequency vectors for interactions pre user and item, these may be
> updated and are used to calculate LLR and also for cutting new update
> interactions.


> 3) cooccurrence matrix with LLR weights—this is also stored in search
> engine or DB (without weights) so any update needs to trigger an engine
> index update.

Yes.  But I actually think that this might work well as a cached non-memory
table.  TBD.

> 4) item dictionary


> #3 might not be a matrix but a hashmap key = item-id, value = vector of
> items. If the vector has item keys = int you would also need the item
> dictionary.


> Given the frequency vectors it seems like the interaction matrices are no
> longer needed?

Not needed, but I would definitely keep them around in the form of logs.

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