Thanks, this helps, I hope to have a proposal to dev outlining some use cases 
in the next few weeks.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mahout contributions
> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 00:03:41 +0000
> One last thing, Saikat, in answer to your question below.  To clarify, for 
> proposed smaller scale mahout contributions (not on the roadmap or in 
> currently open Jiras):
> a good workflow would be as follows:
> 1. Investigate your idea independently 
> 2. Float the proposal to dev@, 
> 3. Allow some time for feedback.
> 4. Sketch out the problem independently
> 5. If you decide to go on with your work Create a JIRA
> 6. Begin work.
> 7. When you're 70%-80% (or even 100%) finished with your work, open a PR for 
> review.
> I only mention this as it seems better to open the JIRA  _Before_  you begin 
> your work rather than after as you mention below.  As well It would probably 
> be best not to open multiple Jiras. 
> Also you might want to take a look at: 
> These are ways that people can vote and give feedback. As well as rules for 
> commiters voting in finished code.
> I think that should cover it.
> Andy 
> ________________________________________
> From: Saikat Kanjilal <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Mahout contributions
> This is great information thank you, based on this recommendation I won't 
> create a JIRA but start work on my project and when the code approaches the 
> percentages you are describing I will create the appropriate JIRA's and put 
> together a proposal to send to the list, sound ok?  Based on your latest 
> updates to the wiki i will work on a handful of the clustering algorithms 
> since I see that the Spark implementations for these are not yet complete.
> Thank you again
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Mahout contributions
> > Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 01:31:09 +0000
> >
> > Saikat,
> >
> > One other thing that I should say is that you do not need clearance or 
> > input from the committers to begin work on your project, and the interest 
> > can and should come from the community as a whole. You can write proposal 
> > as you've done, and if you don't see any "+1"s or responses from the 
> > community at whole with in a few days, you may want to explain in more 
> > detail, give examples and use cases.  If you are still not seeing +1s or 
> > any responses from others then I think you can assume that there may not be 
> > interest; this is usually how things work.
> >
> > However if its something that your passionate about and you feel like you 
> > can deliver this should not to stop you.  People do not always read the 
> > dev@ emails or have time to respond.  You can still move forward with your 
> > proposed contribution by following the steps laid out in my previous email; 
> > follow the protocol at:
> >
> >
> >
> > and create a JIRA.  When you have reached a significant amount of 
> > completion (around 70-80%), open a PR for review, this way you can explain 
> > in more detail.
> >
> > But please realize that when you open a JIRA for a new issue there is some 
> > expectation of a commitment on your part to complete it.
> >
> > For example, I am currently investigating some new plotting features.  I 
> > have spent a good deal of time this week and last already and am even 
> > mocking up code as a sketch of what may become an implementation before I 
> > open a "New Feature" JIRA for it.
> >
> > My point is absolutely not to discourage you or anybody else from opening 
> > JIRAs for new features, rather to let you know that when you open an JIRA 
> > for a new issue, It tells others that your are working on it, and thus may 
> > discourage another with a similar idea to contribute this feature.  So it 
> > is best to open it once you've begun your work and are committed to it.
> >
> > Andy
> >
> > ________________________________________
> > From: Saikat Kanjilal <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:24 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: Mahout contributions
> >
> > Andrew,Thank you very much for your input, I actually want to start a new 
> > set of JIRAs, here's what I want to work on, I want to build a framework 
> > that ties together search/visualization capability with some machine 
> > learning algorithms, so essentially think of it as tying in elasticsearch 
> > and kibana  into mahout , the user can search for their data with 
> > elasticsearch and for deeper analysis on that data they can feed that data 
> > into one or more mahout backends for analysis.  Another interesting tie in 
> > might be to hack kibana to render ggplot like graphics based on the output 
> > of mahout algorithms (assuming this can be a kibana plugin).
> > Before I go hog wild to create a bunch of JIRA's I'd like to know if 
> > there's interest in this initiative.  The tool will bring together the ELK 
> > stack with dynamic machine learning algorithms.  I can go into a lot more 
> > detail around use cases if there's enough interest.
> > Looking forward to your and other committers input.Thanks
> >
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: Mahout contributions
> > > Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 20:16:38 +0000
> > >
> > > Hello Saikat,
> > >
> > > #1 and #2 above are already implemented.  #4 is tricky so i would not 
> > > recommend without a strong knowledge of the codebase, and #5 is now 
> > > deprecated.  (I've just updated the algorithms grid to reflect this).  
> > > The algorithms page includes both algorithms implemented in the 
> > > math-scala library and algorithms which have CLI drivers written for them.
> > >
> > > Please see:
> > >
> > > And please note that per that documentation, it is in everybody's best 
> > > interest to keep messages on list, contacting committers directly is 
> > > discouraged.
> > >
> > > The best way to contribute (if you have not found a new bug or issue) 
> > > would be for you to pick a single open issue in the mahout JIRA which is 
> > > not already assigned, and start work on it.  When your work is ready for 
> > > review, just open up a PR and the committers will review it.  Please note 
> > > that if you do pick up an issue to work on, we do expect some amount of 
> > > responsibility and reliability and tangible amount of satisfactory work 
> > > since once you've marked a JIRA as something you're working on, others 
> > > will pass on it.
> > >
> > > Another good way to contribute would be to look for enhancements that 
> > > could make to existing code not necessarily open JIRAs that need to be 
> > > assigned to you.  For example please see the recent contribution and 
> > > workflow on: .
> > >
> > > If you have something new that you'd like to implement, simply start a 
> > > new JIRA issue and begin work on it.  In this case, when you have some 
> > > code that is ready for review,  you can simply open up a PR for it and 
> > > committers will review it.  For new implementations, we generally say 
> > > that you should do this when you are at least 70-80% finished with your 
> > > coding.
> > >
> > > Thank You,
> > >
> > > Andy
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________________
> > > From: Saikat Kanjilal <>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:17 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: RE: Mahout contributions
> > >
> > > Hello,Following up on my last email with more specifics,  I've looked 
> > > through the wiki ( 
> > > and I'm interested in implementing the one or more of the following 
> > > algorithms with Mahout using spark: 1) Matrix Factorization with ALS 2) 
> > > Naive Bayes 3) Weighted Matrix Factorization, SVD++ 4) Sparse TF-IDF 
> > > Vectors from Text 5) Lucene integration.
> > > Had a few questions:1) Which of these should I start with and where is 
> > > there the greatest need?2) Should I fork the repo and create branches for 
> > > the each of the above implementations?3) Should I go ahead and create 
> > > some JIRAs for these?
> > > Would love to have some pointers to get started?Regards
> > >
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Mahout contributions
> > > Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 10:23:45 -0700
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello Committers,I was looking through the current jira tickets and was 
> > > wondering if there's a particular area of Mahout that needs some more 
> > > help than others, should I focus on contributing some algorithms usign 
> > > DSL or Samsara related efforts, I've finally got some bandwidth to do 
> > > some work and would love some guidance before assigning myself some 
> > > tickets.Regards

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